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Offering Inspection Warranty

Jerry Simon

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OREP offers a 90-day home inspection warranty for your/our clients.  It sounds like a good tool when trying to book price-shoppers.  And, it's fairly cheap ($12.50 -$14.00).  I don't know the warranty *fine print* yet, though, and am waiting to hear back from OREP about such before I decide if I want to use it.

Does anyone have any experience/thoughts about this?

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4 hours ago, Tom Raymond said:

Warranties are the bread and butter of Nick and Nathan's business models.

Retailers and contractors offer warranties. I don't think consultants should.

After pondering it for a minute, I don't any interests that would conflict if an inspector were to pitch the sale of an inspection warranty having just sold a home inspection.

I just bought a new printer yesterday and bought a warranty that was offered to me once I put the printer in my shopping cart.

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I strongly feel this is about management of expectations.  You are not managing your clients expectations when you offer a warranty or buy back.  Just my opinion;  it is a bait and switch or at best puffery 

EDIT: was advised that puffery may not be the best word.  It gets the point across, so maybe it is.




In a legal context, the term originated in the 1892 English Court of Appeal case Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, which centred on whether a monetary reimbursement should be paid when an influenza preventive device failed to work. The manufacturers had paid for advertising stating that £100 would be paid in such circumstances then failed to follow this promise. Part of their defence was that such a statement was "mere puff" and not meant to be taken seriously. While the defence ultimately lost the case, the principle was confirmed that certain statements made by advertisers that were obviously not made in a serious manner could be exempt from usual rules relating to promises in open contracts."

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3 hours ago, Mike Lamb said:

So what is the fine print?

Never did find out.  They replied to my specific inquiry about such with more puffery, and zero details on the warranty.  I replied back asking if they even read my email. . .

Didn't hear back about that either.  This spoke volumes to me.  Ain't gonna go any further.  That said:

I just though it would be a good tool to try and snag a price-shopper; would never offer to a *normal* client.

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