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Orlando Inspector Needed

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Authors can be judged by how well they write.  Read enough books by an author and you get a good idea how good he is.  In similiar fashion, you can tell an inspector by his reports and by his posts here and by whatever else he writes.  It's much more revealing than his certs, association memberships, website and just about everything else.

Jim K has said "write in present tense, active voice".

Kurt has said "what is it, what does it mean, what to do about it".

Les once said "methods and materials" in regard to home inspector curricula.

Those few words alone, after long consideration on my part, was all it took for me to realize that each of these guys were at the top of their game.  Inspectors who've yet to arrive can't originate things like that.  It comes only with great expertise.

Edited by Marc
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On 9/10/2017 at 9:36 AM, Tom Raymond said:

20 minutes is a long interview. That's enough info to wager that's much closer to a good vetting than a hard pitch.

So, Tom, I guess it is a buyers rather than a seller's game for inspections?

Around here the franchise types still carry on about "ask about our mold and radon packages".

As some have posted here, if an inspector brings up mold as a wild game he bird dogs for, you can start to gradually ease away slow.

I agree that twenty minutes is a long time on the phone.  If you cannot get a good grasp of the communication level that might occur on site and after, it's time to hang up.

OTOH, recently I had some connectivity issues with modems etc, and I could not resolve them by phone help.  Only after I logged onto a "chat" format where client and helper communicated only in writing, could I get the issue resolved.

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