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What type of marketing have you done with realtors


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For the record, I asked Les to prune this thread to avoid a conflict of interest created by me moderating the thread.

I disagree with Les removing my initial response. In that post, I didn't attack anyone personally and my experience through contact with thousands of agents is that the VAST majority of them want something for their referrals. I'm not sure how inspectors deal with the inherent conflict of doing their job while weighing the ramifications of killing a deal and losing future income.

If your business model relies largely or completely on referrals from agents, it is all but impossible that you're performing your duties completely in the client's best interest. That's my opinion.

Until the last few years, TIJ has always been a place where people could gather and ask questions without fear of evisceration. I'm not sure what dynamic changed but I am fully committed to not being a part of that paradigm. That same dynamic has managed to drive away dozens and dozens of good members including the guy who started this forum.

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One of the big benefits of this forum is that most guys have pretty thick skins. I like that people are passionate about the way they view their business and our industry.

I am happy to see views different than mine because that is how I learn. I may not agree with some of you but I resect you and have always learned a lot from you.

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Sorry, was this to me? I'm the noob, but I didn't discourage talking to realtors.

No, absolutely not. I've found your input to be fairly elevated and without prejudice. Same thing with Mustola. I've never heard either of you ever say anything stupid, silly, or out of whack.

I was going to stay out of it, but felt Leighton deserved a response. Now that I'm talking, you know I'm not going to shut up, so.....Regarding the rest of it, a few final points.....

1) It's real easy. You do the job and if the realtor that referred you now hates you, it's part of the gig. At last count, I've been blackballed by somewhere between 11-15 offices. In a big urban market, that can be overcome. In a smaller market, it's usually an extinction event. One reason I moved to a big city was because the small market I had started in (SW Michigan in about 1978) completely blackballed me out of existence. I would not recommend the tactic of eschewing realtors to anyone in a small market. It's small minded and a decidedly silly business practice. Go ahead and try if it makes you feel special and you have to feel special.

2) It's none of my ****ing business how anyone chooses to run their business. If someone wants to suck up to realtors and do lousy inspections, my laissez faire beliefs prevent me from judging. I really don't care. I only hope they'd try to form their report systems in line with modern journalism and presentation formats. If you're going to do something, at least make your tangible product of it's time, not a historic relic no one understands anymore.

3) Characterizing this place as anything other than a good place to learn is self referential. Intoning the memory of the guy that started this place and stating that the reason he left has anything to do with a (false) characterization is really sticking it out there. The guy that started this place and me were the only two voices in here for close to a month before anyone else even showed up. The guy that started this place been my friend for nearly 30 years, we still exchange emails and pleasantries occasionally, and if the reason the guy that started this place split was for the reasons the other guy is saying, OK, fine. The guy that started this place has reasons that are his own, not mine. Making these statements and "supporting" them with unsupported reference to 3rd parties is sort of like an Appeal to Authority in debate, which gets judges snickering and usually eliminates contestants. IOW, it's bullshit.

4) Les, Jim, and Marc are stand up guys. Conciliators. I got no problem with going to the mats and then making up. I live and work in the City of Big Shoulders and Very Sharp Elbows. I plow in straight lines. I occasionally get slapped and I occasionally deliver the slap. It's part of my day. I don't carry any baggage with it.

5) The other guy gets his wish. I spend too much time in here, partly due to habit, partly due to a sense of duty, partly because I imagined my time in the gig would be worth something to someone, and partly because this is the thing I've done for a long time. I'm checking out, and pursuing other things.

I hope everyone finds their way in this business.

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Hey,this is the subject that we can kick around till doomsday, good one.

Chad, thanks for the clarification, because some that lurk here were surprised and wondering why you got deleted. Is preaching taboo here? I never knew that. [8D]

You are right, they want something. Maybe they simply want to avoid that most dreaded phone call, the callback.

Some are looking for a go-to guy for questions from their clients.

You don't have to sell your soul, just a good job that costs them nothing.

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