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Live from Fort Lauderdale

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Hey Sport Fans,

Thought I'd start a new thread for all of us "correspondents" reporting live from InspectionWorld.

Brian Goodman and I arrived last night and are staying at the Marina Marriott. The only excitement so far was when we went out to dinner last night and ran into an unusually rowdy contingent of ASHI Staff. Luckily after a brief period of trash talking about their favorite ursine football team (whose season will quickly come to an end), they let us on our way.

Looking forward to seeing other subscribers around town.

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Attention all conference attendees! You are still welcome to enjoy the vendor's hall, but don't expect any free stuff, because someone bearing a striking resemblance to Chris Prickett pretty much cleaned the joint out. There is very little swag of any value to be had there now.

Goodman, the Galloping Gourmet highly recommends the flan and the blonde haired babe in booth number four. When asked which one was more delicious, Goodman refused further comment.

Reporting live from Ft. Lauderdale...

Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

You are still welcome to enjoy the vendor's hall, but don't expect any free stuff, because someone bearing a striking resemblance to Chris Prickett pretty much cleaned the joint out. There is very little swag of any value to be had there now.

I can independently verify that report. No swag was to be found after the Prickett-like character made his rounds of the vendor booths.

Goodman, the Galloping Gourmet highly recommends the flan....

I can also verify that. Damned good stuff.

...and the blonde haired babe in booth number four. When asked which one was more delicious, Goodman refused further comment.

I catagorically deny any knowledge of the actual deliciousness of the blonde in booth #4, but the projected level is indeed high. I doubt if the flan could keep up. [;)][:P]

Brian G.

Gourmet of Many Fine Things [^]

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I admit, i did "de-swag" several booths, but it's all for the kiddies! Funny, I seem to have had a couple of accomplices. One seemed to want to "pahk his cah at Hahvad yahd", and the other bears a striking resemblence to Uncle Jed. Whatever...

IMO, IW really dropped the ball with the shuttle service. Not every 15 minutes as advertised, more like every 45 min to an hour.

Other than that, while the IRC course is not exactly "must see tv" I'm getting the hang of navigating through the sea of code, which is good.

Goodman and Morrison are sharing a room, so I'm not seeing too much of them...

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Well, it's the next to last day of Inspection World and the weather has been great. There are about 1200 inspectors here and I think the educational offerings have been as good as any year. A few people have complained about the bus, but Brian and I are in the hotel across the street from the conference center, so it hasn't been an issue for us.

Tomorrow night is the President's Gala and since I was too cheap to buy a ticket, a bunch of us from New England are going to find a place to watch the Patriots steamroll the Denver Broncos.

We're taking off Sunday AM and it's a good thing because Brian is intentionally annoying me by only speaking in what he thinks is an Irish brogue. Of course, I've responded in my best southern drawl and if we don't get in a fistfight soon, it'll be a miracle.

Live from the Marina Marriott,


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The IRC code class isn't about to make anyone write home in quivering excitement, but they have managed to keep everyone awake. There are 200 inspectors in the class, which is where they had to cut it off. We've gone from learning to use the book to actually getting into the nuts and bolts of some parts. The best thing about that so far is that I've found a few things I've wanted to cite before but couldn't find. It's a lot of material. One more day and I can celebrate the end by watching the Pats knock off the Broncos. [:-footbal

Originally posted by Jim Morrison

We're taking off Sunday AM and it's a good thing because Brian is intentionally annoying me by only speaking in what he thinks is an Irish brogue. Of course, I've responded in my best southern drawl and if we don't get in a fistfight soon, it'll be a miracle.

A truce has been struck! For the remainder of the conference we're both gonna be Swedish. Ya, sure. You be'cha by-golly. [:D]

Brian G.

AKA "Yohan"

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I should also report that among those recieving distinguished service awards at the brunch today were TIJ'ers Mark Cramer and Scott Patterson, and our old friend Douglas Hansen. Richly deserved all around, and I'm glad I was here to see them recognized.

Brian G.

In Good Company [:-thumbu]

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Steamrolling courtesy of Denver, thank you....

IW was very good. Folks complaining about busses have forgotten how to walk; took me about 10 minutes every morning, time to clear the brain for learning.

I particularly liked the Saturday afternoon sesssions on Building Science.

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Hi Kurt,

You must enlighten us about the building science classes and what new stuff you learned.

About the football thing - Since I've never been a footballer, never learned how to throw one of the things and never watch it on TV, I worked. It was weird. The lady realtor on yesterday's inspection was going on and on about the Seahawks with the builder. Seattleites have been freakin' out for days and yesterday they were over the top and half the evening shows were about it. I watched the Sci-Fi channel.



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Since this was my first Inspection World, I was amazed at the size of it. Over 1,200 attendees and counting. There are guys who I know where there and never saw them. Others I ran into briefly and then not again until 2 days later.

I came down early Monday AM and got a few rounds of golf in. Great weather up until the President's Gala when the Mrs. had us departing after about 25 minutes. It was cold.

What a professional, well organized event with great speakers. This is certainly unmatched by any other organization out there. I can't wait until 2007 for the ASHI/CREI mega Inspection World in Anaheim, CA.

Morrison, you're a punk. LOL

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Originally posted by kurt

Folks complaining about busses have forgotten how to walk; took me about 10 minutes every morning, time to clear the brain for learning.

Ummm, you had to hitch-hike a ride from the "Rasta" man to get to my hotel.

Most times I waited 30-45 minutes for a bus. The walk from MY hotel would have been at least that long. Of course my hotel was on the beach, not at the truck stop[:-smirk]

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I know, I know; I just can't avoid taking a shot now and then.

You should have seen the place Chris was staying; I swear, I could live there & be quite happy. About 700 SF, 2 bath, 1 Br, balcony, on the beach w/view, lagoon pool, the works. The dump I stayed @ might as well have been along I-75 in Kentucky somewhere......

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It was a good conference, but it's nice to be home again. Jimmy and I both wound up sick with something, either from a cold virus or something in the room. It isn't bad yet; I've had worse.

I must send out a huge public thank you to Brother Morrison for sharing his space with me. This is twice now the generousity of fellow members has helped me make the event with a minimal financial hangover afterwards. Membership has its privileges, friendship has its rewards, and I'm double-dipping. How does the other half live?

A big tip of the hat and thank you also to Brother Prickett, who won a infrared thermometer in a drawing and unselfishly gave it to me on the spot (he already had one, I didn't). I reciprocated with a foot long sub with everything for lunch, a bargain by any measure.

Overall the IRC course was worthwhile, if dry (not much anyone can do about that). Having four presenters who all had thier own materials and approach was a little disorienting though. It would be nice to either have one guy do it all or have everyone who's presenting more coordinated/integrated for the sake of continuity. I'm glad it was offered, no question, and it was a big success.

Brian G.

IRC Ninja-In-Training [:-masked]

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Brother O'...

The Building Science course(s) were fun, although it was stuff that you already know. Basic insulation, heat loss/gain, vapor diffusion, where to put the vapor retarder, just how good is "house wrap", etc. Some interesting factoids about just how little pressure (pascals) it takes for a gas fired appliance to backdraft in a tight house.

Frank Vigil out of Las Vegas, NV, presented; no website, but he can be reached @ f.vigil@cox.net

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Here's a little blurb from the Sun Sentinel website:

>A meeting of the American Society of Home Inspectors at the Broward County Convention Center last week had an estimated economic impact of $1.8 million, according to the Fort Lauderdale visitors bureau.<

That's a hell of a lotta beer you guys. Jimmy, The Lending Tree says that now they've seen the house you put up for that loan for your share of the beer, they're calling in the loan and it's due in 30 days or they're going to auction off the house.

Don't worry, we're going to take up a collection, purchase a tent for you and Jack Ahern is going to stake out a sweet spot under one of the overpasses for you. Brian's got a line on a used Coleman stove. [:-dev3]



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IW was long and dry. Very good but dry. Took us 2 days before we hit paydirt(guinness).Most of the bars we were in may be bulldozed this year for Progress?? Got to love highrises--blocking the beach view. Nice people-good time. Go Pats next year[8D][:-party]

Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles


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