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Remote Desktop anyone????

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I now complete my inspection reports onsite with a tablet pc, print and then return the 3D file to my desktop every evening to then email the reports to the necessary parties. I would like to setup REMOTE DESKTOP on my office desktop computer so I may use my tablet in the field to do the inspection and know it is done on my home/office computer. I used to work to a multi-inspector firm who used the Remote Desktop feature in XP, to allow the inspectors to complete their inspections at home instead of going to the office. Is this something workable or am I in high hopes for nothing. Any links or step be step instructions would be helpful. I have contacted 2-3 computer gurus in the area, posted on another forum and they all want to direct me elsewhere. I am looking for the answer that everybody wants to dodge apparently.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm a software analyst - thinking about a HI career. Personally, I would use MYWEBEXPC.COM.

We use their enterprise solution at webex.com for remote analysis and software support. MYWEBEXPC.com offers a similar free (as in beer) service including file transfer.

You could also still use Remote Desktop. You were probably using Terminal Services before, but thie tutorial will show you how to use it on XP machines, save file transfer abilities.

Anything else would be overkill.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Roy B.

roy AT greenlightgroup DOT com

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