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cat people vs dog kinds

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My grandfather rarely had a bad thing to say about anyone....but if he did, it was usually...."they let their animals in the house". I never understood it until I was an adult.

Humans have trained cats about the box shitting thing; it's humans that are weird, not cats. I like cats....outside....where they kill stuff I don't like. I had a cat once that would line up the mice and rats just outside my door every morning after hunting all night, and look right at me with this stare like..."see, I did my job". That's a good cat. Any cat that doesn't want to go outside is taxidermy practice material imho.

Humans that have those 172 lb. mountain dogs that slobber and shed hair a pound a minute....those are weird humans too. What possesses anyone to own a dog that eats and shits hundreds of pounds of food a week?

Cats and dogs are just being who they are. It's humans that are screwy.

Oh yeah, the OP....dogs or cats. Outside.

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I knew of a cat person once. He use to work at the Post Office with me a long time ago. He hated dogs and said so. One day he came back to the office with his mouth bloody and a tooth knocked out. He was talking to postal inspectors about what happened. I later found out that when a dog entered the street in front of his vehicle, instead of trying to avoid hitting it, he intentionally swerved into it, hit it and kept going without stopping. A witness who saw him do this chased him down and caught him at a traffic light. They walk up, opened the door to his truck and socked him mouth. True story...100%

I'm glad the dickhead got punched in the mouth. This particular cat person is not even on a limb. He's wrapped around roots somewhere under the ground.

We have had both cats and dogs. Now it's just dogs. 3 beagles and they're laying right here on the couch.

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We have had both cats and dogs. Now it's just dogs. 3 beagles and they're laying right here on the couch.

John, you can train your beagles to bring you stuff but you can't make them bury their own poop.

A cat will bury his or her poop and man should allow for that, either with outdoor access or dirt in a box.

I like them both for different reasons.

The grossest animals in houses are people, and people with cats and litter boxes are the worst animals of all. [:-magnify

Dogs and cats are fun when there are kids around to enjoy them and help with the upbringing. Like having a cow and a calf out in the back yard, that was fun when I was a kid and rarely had to milk.

Since the last cat perished, have had no animals in our house, thank you. We had a dog that would pick up a screwdriver if you put it down. Laying in the dirt fixing a wheel cylinder and the dog is prancing around with the screwdriver. I miss him a bit (sniffle).

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Blum, at least that cat owns its shit.

I like dogs, as long as they're someone else's.

For the record, I'm a dog guy who's down to only having a cat these days, that acts more like a dog than a cat. He won't shit in the box no matter how nasty it is outside. He's going out. He'll fight anything and everything from the pitbull he ran out of here twice, to the god damn fox that wakes me up a 3:30 in the morning with its distress barking when they're about to go. He rolls around on the ground with his buddy the beagle from up the road. The neighbors all know him and treat him like the neighborhood dog. The son of a bitch will kill mice, moles, and chipmunks, outside of the house, but he won't touch the mice in the house. If anything puts me on the branch above, it's not taking on the extra responsibility of having another dog. Cats are low maintenance.

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...our household went through a couple of dogs, both too big to be inside animals, and both of which "ran free", ( I refuse to keep an animal penned or chained ((too much like keeping a prisoner))), and they stayed in constant trouble with the neighbors. Through many cats, as many as four at a time, have never had a neighbor complain. Now down to one very dominant male who is very friendly and affectionate.

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I like cats... They taste like chicken.

In Korea I hear dogs are favored, but in Peru it's guinea pigs that taste the best.

My buddy Bob who goes to China often on biz says "How much is that doggie in the window?" ain't a song.

Feed your chuwawa nothing but fish guts and rice, and it'll really put on the bacon. [:)]

You can't control what a cat eats. Unclean, like rats.

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New Zealand has the right idea about cats.

My sister's dog once went crazy barking at the back fence, jumping up along it, running back and forth to the door to get her attention. My sister finally goes around the block to the house behind her, and the elderly woman there has fallen down and couldn't get up. The dog knew.

If my sister didn't have a dog, and that elderly woman had a cat, the cat would have waited until she died and then eaten her.

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I wasn't going to mention this. I'm not a fan of people sharing their personal, family business on the internet, but I think it's best to share this picture of my cat's substance abuse problem. If I can save one cat by raising awareness of this very real and often ignored problem with other upper branch cat owners, it's worth the little bit of embarrassment to Punkinhead.

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New Zealand has the right idea about cats.

My sister's dog once went crazy barking at the back fence, jumping up along it, running back and forth to the door to get her attention. My sister finally goes around the block to the house behind her, and the elderly woman there has fallen down and couldn't get up. The dog knew.

If my sister didn't have a dog, and that elderly woman had a cat, the cat would have waited until she died and then eaten her.

I really like it.

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