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InterNACHI takes control of NAHI

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The subject title on this made me laugh. [:-bonc01]

Nick takes control of a non-entity....dissolved, not there, everyone went somewhere else....and we got a schmoe bragging about it. Is this a schmoedown?

What would we do for comic relief if it wasn't for the schmoes? God Bless Nick and his schmoe.

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I was too pissed off to laugh. At some point along the road of embarrassment, you'll arrive at a place called pissed off. I do my best to compartmentalize it and file it away in the damp depths of the archives.

The associations go a long way toward showcasing all that's wrong about our profession, Nicky's at one end of the metric and ASHI at the other.

There should not ever have been more than one association. The first one should have prevailed alone.


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Don't be pissed. The approximate percentage of the world population that even begins to understand what any of this is about is .00000086%. No one cares. We shouldn't. Nick is important to no one, essentially.

Take heart in the Holidays and coming New Year and the fact you're in Louisiana where the temperature is at least bearable.

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