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NFL Playoffs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm gonna be a contrarian and take the Seahawks, because:

A. I tend to be drawn to underdogs (Saints fan)

B. I'm sick to death of Steelers' loudmouth Joey Porter

C. I don't want to be in the position of rooting for a team I don't want to win, just to make my pick work out.

If I were the NFL King I would have suspended Porter for the remainder of the playoffs after he publicly accused the league and the refs of cheating to help Indy. He wasn't even fined. As it is I can only hope he doesn't get a ring out of all this. [:-yuck]

The Steelers should win, but we all know that's only worth so much. I hope it's a good game either way, going down to the last minute. [:-jump][:-jump2]

Brian G.

Run Shawn, Run! [:-footbal

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Well all in all it was a pretty good game, considering some of the blowout Super Bowls I've seen. Seattle hurt themselves in a lot of small ways, where they couldn't afford many mistakes. Anybody else notice how many times their punter flew the ball in the end zone for a touchback? No chance for the coverage to down it deep when you do that. Dropped passes, recievers casually catching the pass out of bounds when they had a chance to keep their feet in, rushing just three guys at Rothlesburger on 3rd & 28...too many mistakes. The phantom holding calls against the Seahawks didn't help either (2 passes inside the 5 called back), but that ain't it.

Credit to Pittsburg for staying with it, and particularly for having the stones to call the gadget plays. I love those. If I were a coach I'd call 3 or 4 every game, just to keep the defense worried about it.

On an up note they announced today that my beloved Saints will play in the Super Dome again next season. I'm expecting that #2 draft pick to be either Lienart or Young, and we'll have a new coach & staff, so it won't be a banner year. Still, anything is better than 16 road games. WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR! er...I mean WAIT TILL THE YEAR AFTER NEXT! Yeah...that.

Brian G.

Officially Waiting on the First Preseason Game Now [:-indiffe

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I don't know about anyone else, but I thought the Rolling Stones half time show was great. Usually, I hit the Mute button on all halftime, timeout, or any other break in the action & go grab a refreshing beverage.

This time, I watched the whole show. Had one of those geezer flashbacks to about 1970, trying to imagine my old man sitting & watching the Rolling Stones during halftime @ the SuperBowl.....

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  • 1 year later...

It was good game until the 4th quarter, then it became great. Both offenses mounted long, go-ahead drives in an all-out effort to win, but the Giants left the Pats too little to work with at the end. The scamble play between Eli and Tyree was incredible at both ends.

Being a Saints fan, I'm mostly happy for ole' Archie Manning. He's still the best quarterback who ever played and won nothing big, through no fault of his own. He was terrific, but with few to no weapons around him, for years. At least he gets the satisfaction of seeing his sons win it all, MVP's included, in back-to-back years. That'll probably never happen again.

Brian G.

Archie's Still The Man [:-thumbu]

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Originally posted by Brian G


Being a Saints fan, I'm mostly happy for ole' Archie Manning. He's still the best quarterback who ever played and won nothing big, through no fault of his own. He was terrific, but with few to no weapons around him, for years. At least he gets the satisfaction of seeing his sons win it all, MVP's included, in back-to-back years. That'll probably never happen again.

Brian G.

Archie's Still The Man [:-thumbu]

Yes, after growing up in NOLA, I have a place in my heart for Archie and the (once known as) "Ain'ts". Archie is the man.id="maroon">

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