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Roof Video

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Most Chgo. bungalows are pretty steep - about an 8 or 10:12. I would only climb them from the hip and in a few years I might not climb them at all.

Can't wait to take my GoPro into a crawlspace.

If you want crawlspaces visit Atlanta. We have hundreds of thousands in the metro area. There are many 1900's era homes with pier and beam foundations, bricked up at the exterior piers in the 50's where a GoPro on your head will not fit. Maybe it could be strapped to your chin?

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I would only climb them from the hip and in a few years I might not climb them at all.

I laughed when I saw the video because it looks exactly how I go at it. Mount at the hip, hands and feet going up, crab walk going down. I used to scamper around on them and now I get butterflies.....

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