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Windows 10

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Fiddling with a surface pro 4 and want to know if it will run very basic stuff with 4gb of RAM. I haven't used windows in years and remember the old systems ran SLOW on only 4gb RAM.

Would be using one program at a time, basic email, Word, etc. looking for minimal requirements for basic functionality.

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Thnx. I got the cheapest of the cheap, 4 GB Ram, 128 GBHD, and...from what I can gather...the bottom of the heap in processors, something called a Core M. All I want it to do is run my FM Pro application, check email, that's it.

I run windows 10 on my mac through Parallels. Smooth as silk.

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Windows 10 is good, reliable [:-thumbu] so far.

Programs are now called Apps. Avoid the quirky add-ons like Cantana or whatever it is called.

You want to allow auto upgrades, so be prepared for invasions of your privacy any time they want. But it is either that or be vulnerable to hackers and spybots.

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This is only about running my application on a touch screen computer. The iPad version of Filemaker won't bulk import pics, otherwise I'd do it all on an iPad. I need a full tilt operating system and a touch screen.

So, it sounds like I can take a cheap pad and make it my report tablet and it'll work.

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Do you mean there's a graphical capability to FM? What version?


15, but I don't know what you mean by graphical capability. It will store any type of graphic, I can put any type of graphic in a layout or template.....I can't draw in it like Illustrator though. It's a database with a lot of graphic layout capability.

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I should have explained better. By graphical capability I mean that you can move blocks of text, photos, headings, etc with your finger by dragging it on the screen such as you might do when re-arranging the order of findings, headings etc in a report or when you're dragging boilerplate and dropping it off into the report.

If that's not it, I'd like to know whatever it is you are doing with FM on the touch screen.


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Oh, yes. It's a wonderland of graphical capability in that regard. All the stuff you noted, buttons to paste specific text or pics, all my SOP data entry is pull down menus editable within the menu...everything. IT folks get a big grin on their face when they see it.

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I've been using a Surface Pro 3 with HomeGauge for the last couple of years. Very little issues. Never had any problems with the battery.

That touch screen finger stuff was initially a pain in the ass, but once I got used to it, I write most of my reports with the finger.

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