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Construction Draw report I can look @?

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I have only seen a couple of forms specific to a draw inspection.

I'm creating my own and have used a bank's in the past, but it only had about 10 checks they were looking for throughout the construction.

Just don't want to miss anything especially if my logo and name are on the top.



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Most of the construction draw reports I've done, the company and/or bank supplied the form they wanted used.

Here's a sample in PDF Format.


It's actually an Excel worksheet. Each of the percentage cells has a drop down menu to select percentages.

If you want the actual Excel worksheet that you can play with (adapt) send me an e-mail at erby@b4uclose.com

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I use HomeGauge report writing system and they include a draw inspection template that has worked well for me. You should be able to view a sample at their site. I started doing draw inspections for a local bank recently and it seems like I've become their 'go to' guy in large part because of the HomeGauge draw template. A bank is looking to CYA on a draw inspection so the addition of pictures to the draw report is invaluable to them. Keep the report short, add photos, don't be shy in estimating degrees of completion and be prepared to tell the bank when a draw is not warranted. Good Luck! I'm not exactly highly seasoned in this field but I'd be happy to talk if you have any questions.

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I do draw inspections for several national companies and they provide the forms. Pretty simple stuff. For example, they'll want to know when the foudation is done and the wall framing is up. Sometimes they want a %, other times they just want to know when it's complete.

Erby's example is the most thorough draw inspection report I've seen, that would be a good starting point if the lender does not have their own form.

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The draw sheet is available at HUD's website. The site is so huge and convoluted but if you work hard enough you'll find it.

My experience has been that most all banks will accept the HUD version. You can certainly make your own as it appears others have done. You just have to 'sell' it to each lender to make sure it covers what they need.

I have the HUD version in Excel format. I'd send it to you just like Scott P. did but I don't have a PDF converter.

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