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Animal attack


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Attacked by an animal while doing an inspection yesterday. It was horrible. There I was leaning way low looking at the bottom of a water heater. I felt something messing with the hair, what little there is, on the back of my head. I turn around and there it was. A rat. Teeth nibbling away. I thought about the slow death I was going to contract from rodentchia . Then I realized it was in a cage. It was a pet.

The end!

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Attacked by an animal while doing an inspection yesterday. It was horrible. There I was leaning way low looking at the bottom of a water heater. I felt something messing with the hair, what little there is, on the back of my head. I turn around and there it was. A rat. Teeth nibbling away. I thought about the slow death I was going to contract from rodentchia . Then I realized it was in a cage. It was a pet.

The end!

But then again, the experience might stimulate regrowth.

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Coulda been Willard.

I had a full on cat attack several years ago, thankfully before LED's and I still carried a giant flashlight. The cat kept attacking and clawing up my legs trying to get to my face, hard, fast, and violent. Totally nuts. I walloped it a couple times, and it kept coming. I had to fight my way out of the room and slam the door.

I can see how a full size mountain lion could take out a human in a tenth of a second.

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During the time when municipalities just piled their trash on the edge of town, and it would catch fire either spontaneously or on purpose, we as teens would drive to the dump at night and get out with 22 rifles, flashlights taped to barrels, and hunt for rats. Some of them would turn and charge you if you didn't take them with the first shot.

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This one surprised me as I got up to the second floor of the log cabin.

Every room had a variation of a dead deer in it. The song Gaston sings in "Beauty and the Beast" kept running through my head... "I use antlers in all of my decorating..."

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During the time when municipalities just piled their trash on the edge of town, and it would catch fire either spontaneously or on purpose, we as teens would drive to the dump at night and get out with 22 rifles, flashlights taped to barrels, and hunt for rats. Some of them would turn and charge you if you didn't take them with the first shot.

We'd just sit on the back porch and wait for them to traverse the yard.

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During the time when municipalities just piled their trash on the edge of town, and it would catch fire either spontaneously or on purpose, we as teens would drive to the dump at night and get out with 22 rifles, flashlights taped to barrels, and hunt for rats. Some of them would turn and charge you if you didn't take them with the first shot.

We'd just sit on the back porch and wait for them to traverse the yard.

That was 'pit-lamping' back in the day. People had spotlights mounted on the car for hunting deer in the dark.
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