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The worst home award of 2k3 goes to..............

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Well, I was just archiving all my reports, pictures et al from 2003 when I came across this home that I did in the latter part of 2003.

It was a FSBO and I got the lead from a mortgage company that I had marketed to sometime ago (I’ve received quite a few jobs from mortgage companies – five minute visit with a fist full of our companies brochures). The front home was a double and the home in the rear of the property was a single. These homes were in an older section of town and dated from the 30’s.

I started on the double first. Three hours later I was toast. The home suffered from deferred maintenance and numerous renters.

I started on the single dwelling and it continued downhill from there. In giving it a once over from the outside I knew right away that the house had issues. The roof line looked like an old sway back nag that was ready for the glue factory. Upon entering the attic I found that the rafters were 2x4 on 24â€

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So, if I'm understanding you correctly, he can go into his own computer files, find those picture files and simply change the name, ensuring that no special characters (in this case the parenthesis) are there, and they should post okay?

OT - OF!!!


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Hi Terry,

No, I can't do it for you. You have to rename the file on your computer before you upload them to your post. Just go to the directory they're in, find the name, right-click it, click 'rename file' and eliminate the parenthesis from the file name. Then come back to TIJ and edit your post. Just delete the photos and then upload the same files to the same post and submit the changes.

Hey, did you guys ever get the idea that Mike B. is a little shy about coming on here? I cite the last post he made above as an example. Tsk, Tsk. Mike, I promise, if you participate more I'll reward you with one of my favorite eyebrow rings.[:-eyebrows]



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Aw, Now you've done it,

He's gonna be pissed at me, so I better explain. Mike (admin) is me [:-gnasher], Mike B.(admin) is Mike Brown [:D]. Rose B. (admin) is Rose Balden [-crzwom] and is not the same person as Mike B.

Rose mostly comes on here under Rose B. but Mike B. is usually on here as Admin, 'cuz he's usually tweaking things or fixin' something that I screwed up while trying to fix/tweak it.

All of us occasionally need to access under admin's ID 'cuz that takes us to admin options where we can turn stuff on and off. (That's usually where I get in trouble).

Now that you're thoroughly confused, Mike B. is pissed (probably)and Rose is laughing at the guys. I'll go hide out somewhere and suck on a lip ring or two, or three, or four... [:-batman]



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