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This is a big deal.

Lenders will now be forced to understand our limitations. They will be getting a better deal on their investment, while reducing the chance of foreclosure due to buying into an unforeseen money pit.

This will also take the keys to the henhouse away from the fox.

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Kurt, did the agent give you permission to use that photo?

Blum, that is good news, but I think you are a little optimistic. HUD and FHA aren't that efficient. Full implementation will take months, possibly years.

You don't know a bee from a hornet.

It's about them being smarter investors. It's about educating the public. One more small step forward.

I'm pretty disappointed in your attitude, knowing the battle you've been fighting for the last eight years.

Seize the opportunity, and get your ass to the banks while this is fresh.

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Kurt, did the agent give you permission to use that photo?

Blum, that is good news, but I think you are a little optimistic. HUD and FHA aren't that efficient. Full implementation will take months, possibly years.

It's just a requirement for lenders to pass that new FHA sheet out to buyers that request an FHA loan package. The sheet just urges folks to get an HI, no requirement to get it.

It's an upgrade over a longstanding policy of the FHA to recommend all buyers get an HI.

Yeah, it's cool but no big deal.


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A mandate is a far cry from a suggestion.

The light bulb will flicker for a few more than on the 13th.

Anything is a big deal.

The mandate is for lenders to give out the sheet. The suggestion is in the sheet and is intended for buyers.


Okay. I'm starting to see your point. Why bother with it at all?

Let's just drift this to an endless, negative thread about mean agents, dirty tricks, and do a little whining about why things will never change. [;)]

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Anything is a big deal.

Damn right. I used to call those schlubs and they wouldn't even take the call. This approaches a directive; get a home inspection.

There's no sonic boom. Only PSA's. A big deal in home inspection is a flea fart in the rest of the world, but I still think it's a big deal.

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That is one kick-ass website! It's a 'sock it to you, down-to-earth, no holds barred' site for information about this gig for folks who want to hear it like it is.


Thank you. You get it. That was the idea, and I'm getting kind of excited about it. Advertising on the local radio station begins on 9/15, and continues for a bout a month and a half. Sending out the usual email blast, hope it all works.

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Read the sentence again. "I want to blah, blah... so that we can know blah, blah..."

I'm including the folks reading the bit into the we part. The site is not about my inspection business. It's about getting a web or knowledgeable people together.

That's the "we" part.

I'm going a different direction on this one. I got enough business. I don't give a shit if it brings in even one job. I want to get a discussion going about what matters, because it isn't getting talked about anywhere other than here, and here isn't Chicago, and I wanna make the thing Chicago centric for the time being, with an expansion plan in the wings if it manages to get traffic.

Email me if you wanna know the plan. It's a good one.

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I think I was able to comment.

You go, Kurt.

Yep, it came through. I got it set up pretty tight; nothing posts until we approve it. I'm trying to avoid what happened last time, when the forum had over 10,000 robot posts in the first 36 hours. We had to shut it down. Hopefully, this one will work.

Anyone wants to register, it would help me iron out bugs.

Go here, scroll to the bottom, hit "Join the Discussion", fill out a profile.

Thanx in advance.

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