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Gardening Tips

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Les, thanks for sending that weather our way. Austin is normally tolerable, but when the low hit 23 degrees yesterday with freezing precipitation, the newspaper reported over 800 accidents (mostly slip-sliding around). And the roof of my inspection was coated with ice. When I told the client I wouldn't be inspecting the roof, she said - with a big smile - "I don't see why not!"

The ice was starting to melt when I left the house and the roads were OK on the way home. We get hit by freezing precipitation every couple of years or so, so I guess I'll stay here and let you deal with that white stuff.

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Hi Paul,

I once experienced driving in Texas during a snow. It was in 1983. I as on leave and on my the way to the east coast. I'd met my mother and brother in Phoenix and we'd headed east from there in two cars. Anyway, she was leading and I was following. The temperature dropped and it began to snow just about the time we hit the Texas state line. Not much, just a little bit, just enough to stick and freeze. So there we were, two cars driven by folks who were accustomed to driving on snow and ice (I'm originally from upstate New York.) flying along on the interstate bemused by all of the Texas drivers who seemed to be totally clueless about how to drive in ice and snow. By the time we reached the DFW area traffic between Fort Worth and Dallas was a mess. There were more cars spun out in the median than there were on the actual road - even the police! And then there was us - cruisin' along like the roads were practically dry and I guess people couldn't figure out why we weren't spun out in the ditch. It was kind of surreal because, to us, the roads were pretty nice for winter roads, but you could tell that very, very few of the Texans were used to snow.

OT - OF!!!


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I hear you Mike. One problem we have is that it is rarely snow. Everything ices over and there is no traction to be had. The local TV news even had shots of police officers busting their ass while trying to walk on the stuff. Fortunately this storm really wasn't that bad. We have had ice storms that tear down trees and power lines. Snow is one thing. Ice is another.

Of course it doesn't help that about all the street and highway departments can do is load some sand in a dump truck and spread it around. When it gets bad, they just close down flyovers and overpasses. Usually the ground stays warm enough to melt it when the temperatures rise above freezing. Hey that's why we live here - so we don't have to deal with that white stuff!

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