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Thanks Tim, I will look into relocation companies. A really good website is out of the budget for now, I might try the free wix thing to build my own website for now.(with the wife's help, I was a framer and cribber before so pretty much computer illiterate.)


JMHO, but you want to own your web domain and not piggyback off a free site.
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Thanks Tim, I will look into relocation companies. A really good website is out of the budget for now, I might try the free wix thing to build my own website for now.(with the wife's help, I was a framer and cribber before so pretty much computer illiterate.)


If you can't afford a good website then your business is seriously undercapitalized. This is the single biggest problem that I see with new inspectors and it causes them to fail in droves. People tend to focus on technical knowledge as a prerequisite for this business, but that's really only a small part of it. You absolutely, positively have to have to know how to run a business. Stop thinking in terms of working for a salary and start thinking in terms of running a business.

Your very next step is to find capital. Either take out a small business loan or get a backer. In order to do that, you'll probably need to work up a business plan to show how you're planning to get from A to B.

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Yes to the previous two comments.

A website isn't a luxury. It's a must have, can't do without, bedrock baseline requirement. Not having one is the equivalent of not having a business card.

Not being computer savvy isn't acceptable. It's 2015.

You want to make it in this biz, get a good site going. If you think marketing to realtors or sellers is going to get you someplace, you're somewhere in the middle of the pack working backwards.

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Speaking of websites, I still need to optimize my site for mobile.

I have been reading about the various strategies for this but still not sold on

a direction. I have a long established website that used to get pretty good

rankings but I have not been paying much attention except to do the test

which says google won't like it because it is not mobile optimized.

Does anyone have an up-to-date opinion?

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People tend to focus on technical knowledge as a prerequisite for this business, but that's really only a small part of it. You absolutely, positively have to have to know how to run a business. Stop thinking in terms of working for a salary and start thinking in terms of running a business.

You nailed it. I'm going to have to change my thinking. And I am a sponge, not too set in my ways especially about technology, I'm working on being more computer savvy.

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Speaking of websites, I still need to optimize my site for mobile.

I have been reading about the various strategies for this but still not sold on

a direction. I have a long established website that used to get pretty good

rankings but I have not been paying much attention except to do the test

which says google won't like it because it is not mobile optimized.

Does anyone have an up-to-date opinion?

I rebuilt my website with www.weebly.com

Extremely simply to use and maintain. It is inexpensive (they offer a free version but, you don't get much?.) and allows you total control over your site.

I did it myself because I got tired of waiting for a company to do it and the fees they wanted to charge. I spent most of a rain soaked Saturday setting it up. The mobile deadline back in April drove me to getting it done.

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I google "home inspector Evanston IL" where I live and I don't even show up. I'm optimized and have a reasonably efficient site.

It doesn't seem to be hurting business. I don't understand the fuss about optimization. I'm sure it's important, but you couldn't prove it by me.

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I google "home inspector Evanston IL" where I live and I don't even show up. I'm optimized and have a reasonably efficient site.

It doesn't seem to be hurting business. I don't understand the fuss about optimization. I'm sure it's important, but you couldn't prove it by me.

I googled you. You were 10th. Googled myself; 8th.

Now, if you & I were just starting out. . .

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I googled you. You were 10th. Googled myself; 8th.

Now, if you & I were just starting out. . .

Yeah, I know. Starting out is another matter.

I've got the contrarian view that, at this point in my career, I don't necessarily want to be at the top of a Google search, or even show up at all.

There was a point where I showed up high in the ranks. I didn't like it. Lots of people calling me and acting like they were doing me a favor by calling. Which they were. But I didn't like it. Too many people asking the 10 Questions to Ask Your Prospective Home Inspector. When I explained they're asking the wrong questions, they'd get indignant.

I kinda got a little niche where folks call for special stuff nowadays. I like special stuff. Straight up HI's have kinda burned me out. I still get up for them and do a good job, but they're boring.

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