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FLIR ONE Version Two for iOS or Android


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Anybody tried it yet?

$249.00 for 160 ? 120 resolution.

Well over the FLIR ONE First Gen and FLIR C2 80 x 60 resolution.

One of my partners got one of the first gen ones. It's remarkably handy, but only if you get close - *really* close. Don't believe anything that they show you from a distance because the image is, quite literally, just made up from scant information and filled in to look good. These things will completely miss subtle temperature differentials at a distance. On the other hand, you can keep the thing in your pocket, whip it out and scan a surface in less time than it takes to get the full-size cam out of its case and warmed up.

I haven't see the second gen version yet - I expect that it will be slightly better. (If they made one for Android, I'd buy it, but they seem to still be just over the horizon.) Just remember that, like any other tool, they have limitations - they're *not* a substitute for a full-sized imager, but they're a dang handy adjunct to one.

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I just ordered the iOS second generation.

For $249 since I already have an iPhone 6 and iPad mini it is worth it just as a toy :)

If it actually turns into a handy tool, so much the better.

I have been expecting prices to drop substantially for years...

The future appears to have arrived finally.

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I have not been able to find the mk rating on the sec gen FLIRONE.

FLIR seems to be hiding it for now.

The optics on it are poor, which makes the resolution like trying to see through dirty glasses.

FLIR does NOT recommend the FLIRONE for professional use by home inspectors. I have already contacted them on this more than once.

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Anybody tried it yet?

$249.00 for 160 ? 120 resolution.

Well over the FLIR ONE First Gen and FLIR C2 80 x 60 resolution.

One of my partners got one of the first gen ones. It's remarkably handy, but only if you get close - *really* close.

How close is """really close""" ??

Couple of feet, mostly.

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  • 2 months later...

I just got mine and used it to locate a disconnected dryer vent. It confirmed graphically for the client what I had suspected in an inaccessible location.

He now knows a much more likely repair scenario.

I can't compare to other thermal imaging cameras but for simple diagnostic use it worked well for me.

Obviously, it won't replace the higher end cameras but I think it is a worthwhile tool in the box.

I did not capture the best image (operator error, not the device) but the shots here show the routing of the dryer vent along the edge of the garage ceiling and the hot spot in the ceiling at the end of the dryer vent and the cool spot where moisture stains are also marking the spot.

Clients thought it was neat.

Easy to use.

Click to Enlarge

46.38 KB

Click to Enlarge

52.26 KB

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Thought this was kind of interesting.

http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/flir/ ... yString%7D

320 x 240 resolution. Seems like a couple of years ago you could only get near that on a high-end IR unit.



I think your reading the wrong specs. I believe its 80x 60 resolution if I am reading the specs correctly.

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Thought this was kind of interesting.

http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/flir/ ... yString%7D

320 x 240 resolution. Seems like a couple of years ago you could only get near that on a high-end IR unit.



I think your reading the wrong specs. I believe its 80x 60 resolution if I am reading the specs correctly.

You're reading it correctly. The IR sensor is 80x60. The *display* is 320x240. The advertising is intentionally misleading.

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I don't know about this device specifically, but the software enhanced image is surprising. It's not bad. It could work for a lot of what I use IR for.

Yes, it looks pretty good. Unfortunately, as far as I can see from the Flir One images that my partner uses, the image looks that good because the software is interpolating and improving the image after it's been taken. Kind of like sharpening a blurry image after the fact. So even though it looks good, it's not giving you the detail that's really there. When you compare a Flir One Image with a one taken with a more advanced camera, you find that the Flir One simply omits lots of details.

That can be ok, as long as you understand it. Get up close, and the Flir One is fine. But don't try to sweep a room from one corner with it.

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