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Symptoms AFTER remediation

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Fairly acutely I have developed asthma type symptoms BUT only in my house and they are worse the closer I am to the basement. In hunting for a problem (we thought it was a new sofa ....) we discovered a pretty bad mold problem in the basement.

We had 2 companies out to do bids (both well thought of) 1 much less expensive and conservative. We went with them. They took out the moldy and wet areas in both affected areas of the basement and did the usual remediation stuff. All drywall was removed in affected areas. Sprayed, cleaned scraped etc.

I was out of town for about a week and returned ... and I still have all of the same symptoms.

They are doing an air test (but I am pretty skeptical of the value of this given what I have read on the internet).

Some questions for the group:

1) There is clear water damage on the laminate floor - one of the mold companies wanted to pull up the laminate - the other did not. Any way to tell if there is mold uynder laminate without pulling it up?

2) One of the door frames is swollen a bit with water damage but no obv mold - should that have been remediated?

3) We had the mold crew back out and they reviewed their work and the rest of the basement and do not see anything else that needs to be remediated - as I said they are doing an air test.

4) We also havea dehumidifier and have had the ducts professionally cleaned. Any other thoughts? Seriously having to consider moving ...



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What Bill and Jim said, and....

You made no mention of anyone identifying the moisture source and correcting it before they did the remediation. The only variable in the mold equation that is controllable is moisture; if it's not controlled first, any remediation is wasted effort.

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Fairly acutely I have developed asthma type symptoms BUT only in my house and they are worse the closer I am to the basement. In hunting for a problem (we thought it was a new sofa ....) we discovered a pretty bad mold problem in the basement.

Obviously the mold problem in the basement is the cause of your asthma-type symptoms. It couldn't possibly be anything else. You should ignore all other possibilities and focus on the mold. Otherwise, you'll surely die.

We had 2 companies out to do bids (both well thought of) 1 much less expensive and conservative. We went with them. They took out the moldy and wet areas in both affected areas of the basement and did the usual remediation stuff. All drywall was removed in affected areas. Sprayed, cleaned scraped etc.

Good choice. It's always a good idea to go with the much less expensive company.

I was out of town for about a week and returned ... and I still have all of the same symptoms.

Gee. There's a surprise.

They are doing an air test (but I am pretty skeptical of the value of this given what I have read on the internet).

Why skeptical? Isn't it always a good idea to have the company that did the remediation do the air testing that proves the remediation worked?

Some questions for the group:

1) There is clear water damage on the laminate floor - one of the mold companies wanted to pull up the laminate - the other did not. Any way to tell if there is mold uynder laminate without pulling it up?

Sure. Burrow up from below.

2) One of the door frames is swollen a bit with water damage but no obv mold - should that have been remediated?

Absolutely. Door mold is the worst kind.

3) We had the mold crew back out and they reviewed their work and the rest of the basement and do not see anything else that needs to be remediated - as I said they are doing an air test.

Is that a question? A trick question? A rhetorical question?

4) We also havea dehumidifier and have had the ducts professionally cleaned. Any other thoughts? Seriously having to consider moving ...


Voodoo cleansing ritual?

Feng Shui?

Oh. Wait. I know. How about going to your doctor instead of getting healthcare advice from a bunch of home inspectors on the interweb?

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I'll cut the guy a little slack...he can't help it...he's a victim of the news media.....

For the OP...

We get a lot of mold stuff here, and it's almost always some bullshit from a mold freak.

It sounds like you got lassoed into believing the hype and stupidity. The mold remediation morons didn't do you any favors. Get your doctor's opinion, not home inspectors.

Then, the mold thing in the basement....figure out the water before worrying about the mold. Without water, mold can't grow. There's 4 things to understand about mold.....

1) It's everywhere on every surface of everything in surprising abundance.

2) It grows in temperatures ranging from freezing to hotter than humans can survive.

3) It needs organic material for food. Our houses are built with organic material.

4) It needs water. Substantial amounts of water.

The first 3 items are beyond our control, so that's why remediation without taking care of the water is stupid.

We understand water. We can control it.

After talking this all over with your doctor, if you still feel it's necessary to get rid of mold (that thing that cannot be gotten rid of) find someone that understands mold.

That is almost never a mold remediation contractor.

Mold remediation contractors are in the business of drumming up hysteria about that thing that is everywhere and in everything. Don't listen to them. Pay attention to science, which tells us a story contradictory to almost everything the mold freaks tell you.

Get someone that understands water in all it's forms who can provide credible reference material for their opinions. Have them figure out the issue and fix it.

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