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Negative slope, drainage, and weep holes

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I spoke with the landscaper and a contractor. I won't be adding any dirt or changing any weep holes. A good ol' french drain will be going in, along with some light landscaping (not against the house, but a foot away or so). He wants to put in some very thirsty ornamental grass.

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Not bizarre. Bizarro World. (Can't believe I found a literary reference that escaped you.)

Oh yeah, that bizarro world.

I wonder about the "french drain". If it's easier than swales, where's it going to drain to? And really, like Katen said, none of this may even be necessary. Just because there's a negative slope doesn't mean anything bad is happening. Absent any obvious or apparent problems, what's the inspiration?

Just gotta do something?

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Not yet, he is giving me the official bid today. Estimated at 1k. Good grief.

The thing about many bids from contractors is that its very clear what he gets from it (X number of dollars) but not so clear on what you get.

Have him spell it out on the bid, not just verbally.


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Positive slope will outperform the French drain. It wants six inches fall in first ten ft away from bldg. If you don't have ten feet then get the six in what you have. Uphill slope can be steeper than the down one. Trouble with "thirsty" ornamental grass is you may well lose it in dry times, and it needs lots of sun. If there is lots of sun then why can't you just grade.

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Was it ever established that the minor fungus is active? Anyone take a moisture measurement?

It looks like something that could have been on the lumber when it was delivered. I wouldn't recommend a damn thing until one knows what the moisture content of the joist and RH of the crawl basement. It could all be nothing, voila, no need to do squat.

Or not. Take a measurement.

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