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Sad Story - Animal Hurt and Trapped in Basement

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I inspected a house yesterday to find a kitten near death in a basement of a vacant house. I think it must have crawled in through an open basement window and fell in. It could not walk. It crawled a few feet when it saw me. It lapped some water off the floor that I poured near its mouth but was in seriously poor condition.

The buyer called animal control and waited for them to show up. The buyer said she saw several stray cats in the back yard.

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Word of advice on dealing with this type of situation. Don't call animal control. When you do the animal is usually taken to a shelter and these are high kill environments. Instead call the local Stray Rescue organization. These will make sure the animal is taken care of and adopted.

Edited to add: I'm glad someone called and made an effort to save the kittens life so I applaud you and your buyer for that.

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