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need an extra inspection?

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This was a request we got yesterday. Anyone want to do the job?

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: xxxxxxx

Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:52 PM

Subject: Need New Home Inspection & Radon Testing by June 5th

To: Accurate Inspections < accurateinspectionsmi@gmail.com>

I?m really hoping you can help. I need a new home inspection and radon testing by a certified inspector completed by June 5th for a new site condo I'm trying to buy in the City of xxxxx. The home has approximately 1,650 sq. ft. on the main level. The lower level is unfinished. The home was built in 2015.

I'm limited to scheduling the inspection between noon and 6:00 p.m. between now and the end of the week.

I need to know the following:

1) Is there any extra mileage cost for inspecting a condo in xxxx County? If so, how much?

2) Can you provide a detailed total cost estimate for both the inspection and radon testing?

3) Will your schedule allow you to help me get this done by June 5th?

4) Do you accept personal checks?

5) Have you passed the National Home Inspectors Exam?

6) Are you fully insured for errors & omissions, workman's compensation and general liability?

7) Are you fully bonded?

8) Have you ever been charged and/or convicted of a crime?

9) What professional inspector school did you attend?

10) Did you apprentice under a senior inspector?

11) How many paid inspections did you do last year?

12) Who stands behind the inspectors if a major situation is missed?

13) Do you provide customer service follow-up after the inspection? If so, for how long?

14) Will you put my name and address information exactly on all documents the way it's provided?

15) What type of radon testing equipment do you use? (i.e., E-Perm System, etc,)

16) Do you require a signed agreement prior to the inspection taking place?

17) Can you FAX me the agreement (xxxxxx) for my signature prior to the inspection? (I need to make sure all information is correct, etc.)

18) Since the gas lines for the stove and the dryer and the air conditioning unit won?t be installed for another two to three weeks yet, would there be any way you could come back to check these items, once they were installed? Would there be an extra mileage fee for you to do this? How much?

19) Is there any way you could respond as soon as possible?

Thank you.


New Home Buyer

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I agree they are all good questions, it bothers me though that the first thing(s) he is concerned about is the price and then he states all his qualifiers. I would rather someone ask me all the qualifiers and then asks me how much I will charge.

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The individual is clearly overexposed to news feeds ala Huff Post regarding how to find a home inspector.

Maybe they were scared by a home inspector as a young child and it's resulted in a lifetime of HI related distrust and angst. We need to develop a name for this syndrome.

Maybe Indagatorphobia?

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Get them on the phone and find out. They probably did get burnt or were warned by someone who did.

You'll figure it out one way or the other in about five minutes. Why leave money on the table?

A phone conversation isn't a commitment to hire on. Could be a kook, could be a great client.

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I think the query must come from one of those hand-wringing ambulance chasing lawyers that put so many ads on TV, and are, incidentally, the big reason all our insurance premiums are so out of orbit. I think the query may be fishing for suckers who might rise to the bait.

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I think the query must come from one of those hand-wringing ambulance chasing lawyers that put so many ads on TV, and are, incidentally, the big reason all our insurance premiums are so out of orbit. I think the query may be fishing for suckers who might rise to the bait.

Really? C'mon, Jim.

Wouldn't the red flag query be counter productive to the scam succeeding?

Does trapping an unsuspecting home inspector, and being tied up in a legal battle sound like it might be a better gig than winning the Nigerian Lottery?

BTW, suckers are bottom feeders. Trout rise for "bait." [;)]

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I did talk to her. This was a direct referral from a national association the potential client called in disgust.

Most of you know my kids are attys and we do a lot of legal business, so it ain't no atty.

Kurt hit it right on the head - "overexposure" to media. She really wanted Holmes, but would settle for us.

Nothing but trouble.

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I just had a very similar list from a Realtor regarding a place she was buying.

How are the consumers gonna get it right when someone who should have known better can't?

Trying to crank me up, Raymond? That's an easy question. Inspectors don't want to hear the answer.

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I really do appreciate your humor, Gary.

I won't admit to being paranoid or anything, but I have had some neck cricks lately that, (if I did go to a chiropractor) might be described as the result of too many quick looks back over whichever shoulder.

Re the OP...I likely would not return the message at all.

I think the query must come from one of those hand-wringing ambulance chasing lawyers that put so many ads on TV, and are, incidentally, the big reason all our insurance premiums are so out of orbit. I think the query may be fishing for suckers who might rise to the bait.

Really? C'mon, Jim.

Wouldn't the red flag query be counter productive to the scam succeeding?

Does trapping an unsuspecting home inspector, and being tied up in a legal battle sound like it might be a better gig than winning the Nigerian Lottery?

BTW, suckers are bottom feeders. Trout rise for "bait." [;)]

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