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Life Be Good

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Active in this neck of the woods, finally. Heck of a last couple months. So nice not to have to waste time on phone with less-desirable clients/locations.

I can now usually discern a client's age, within two years +/-, by how they contact me. Text, phone, or email. Glad I put "you can text me" at my office number on my website; probably 37.24% of clients simply text.

Hope life be good for all.

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Tell me more about surge pricing. Do you just bump your prices for the duration of the surge with the intent of lowering them again in the future? Or do you just raise the prices, figure that people will get used to them, and leave them there when things slow down?

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"Surge pricing" is overblowing it. It isn't spectacular, it's just where I'd like them to be all the time, which is somewhere above where they were a month ago. It's probably more along the lines of taking advantage of the conditions to raise prices where I hope to keep them. The market will tell me in 6 months what's really happening.

But, it's a good time right now to be considering pricing adjustments. Demand is crazy high.

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So, inspections getting priced nearer to where they should have been for the last number of years. Good show.

HAHA......Exactly. Surge pricing is self congratulatory. I've scratched around with the chickens for enough years, I think it's special when I'm finally nailing some decent fees.

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