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Well, I spent the weekend in the crawl space of our new house installing pipe/wire for a central vacuum system. The old house I could walk around in most of the crawl, this house not so much. Most areas if I'm lucky I can get on hands and knees, the rest it slithering like a snake.

I just want to say I have a lot of respect for you who are willing to do this. If it wasn't my house I don't think you could pay me enough to go in those places.

As an aside, the inspector who did this house for us pointed out the eforvesecence (I don't think I spelled that right) on the block at the front of the house. I found that the gutter installer just stuck the downspouts in the dirt rather than pipe them somewhere. I fixed that already no even with our heavy rain/snow lately the crawl was nice and dry.

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I'm with Kurt on this one, Snakes aren't so bad, it's the rats that I hate! I see quite a few snakes!

Worst thing I've ever seen under a home is an Alligator! Might sound scary, but they're the norm around here. The crawlspace is just on the other side of my shoulder and wide open in the picture below.

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I'm with Kurt on this one, Snakes aren't so bad, it's the rats that I hate! I see quite a few snakes!

Worst thing I've ever seen under a home is an Alligator! Might sound scary, but they're the norm around here. The crawlspace is just on the other side of my shoulder and wide open in the picture below.

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I agree. Well, not about the alligator part since they are decidedly not the norm around here. But I'd rather face a snake in a crawlspace than a rat any day. King snakes, rat snakes and their ilk are no threat. And honestly, there have been very few snakes. In fact, I see more shed snake skins in attics than crawlspaces yet nobody ever asks me if there are snakes in the attic. As I told a client who DID have a snake-in-residence in the crawlspace: A snake in your crawlspace is there most likely because he feeds on the rodents living there. Rodents do a LOT of damage. Snakes don't. Your choice.

Oh yeah...always look up!

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Or more accurately, those with high functioning frontal lobes, or not.

Yeah, guys with vivid imaginations don't qualify. [:)]

I crawled right over a dead dog once. He was squeezed right up against a drain pipe. Then I had to go back the way I came.

Another time a dead squirrel was stinking the place up. I mentioned it and said it would dry out pretty quick. Nope, a week later the realtor needed me to map the location of the squirrely cadaver. That was also the last time I saw her too. [:)]

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What I dislike the most in crawlspaces are crickets(cave or camel crickets) and the occasional frog. Nothing is worse than to be in a crawl and look up and see a few dozen crickets that then decide to start jumping or the surprise one gets when a frog decides to jump and hit you in the back or head! Yes, at moments like this I turn into a thirteen year old girly girl!

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I think the worst thing I've crawled through, was the immediate discovery of a loose connection in a plumbing waste pipe when the client knowing I was going under, felt comfortable enough to try out a bathroom.

Timing is everything. Talk about an unpleasant ride home!

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