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Photos for Mike L and Kurt M


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Have to admit I took these for Kurt and Mike. It was a typical status report for a very large bank. The art was overwhelming and I apologize for my lack of skills for capture.

The design work and color is fantastic.

It was -8degrees in this house today.

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This one is just for the lines and shapes. We know what it should be and marvel at what it really is and what it does. Michigan basement par excellance'.

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Really good raw material, execution lacking. I like the idea of the jars. The peeled ceiling has potential too, but composition is scattered.

Maybe I should run up a Composition 101 class with a little grounding in the fundamentals.

You got potential though...you could be a contender.

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Thanks Les.

I like the ceiling but the skewed walls ruin it for me. Maybe you could crop that one.

The jars, maybe cropped and made brighter?

The 'Waldorf' is interesting, whatever that is, a wash machine?

That vintage car jack comes up on eBay for $189, all shined up and painted black. But I like yours, it's natural and has been on the verge of letting go for years. [:)]

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