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New to this forum just wanted to say hello I am from the mid west and have a dry sense of humor that most don't understand. I am not new to the inspection world have had a little water pass under my bridge. I see a few names in the forum that I recognize hope to get to know some of ya a little better

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I have had over a 100 views to my first post on this forum and only two gentlemen had the courtesy to say hello.

I am sure all are aware that I am not a ASHI member but I never considered a national membership as a prerequisite for being a person that enjoys helping clients make informed decision and helping other inspectors with their education process. I have worked with my hands in the Trades for 51 years and retirement is not on the near horizon I enjoy what I do

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I have had over a 100 views to my first post on this forum and only two gentlemen had the courtesy to say hello.

Folks come here and ask questions. They almost always get very accurate answers. What were you expecting? You may have noticed we don't have an "Introduction to new members" forum.
I am sure all are aware that I am not a ASHI member but I never considered a national membership as a prerequisite for being a person that enjoys helping clients make informed decision and helping other inspectors with their education process. I have worked with my hands in the Trades for 51 years and retirement is not on the near horizon I enjoy what I do
You're sure were all aware? Sorry, I'm pretty sure most here wouldn't bother to research whether a new TIJ member is a member of any specific organization. What does not being a member of ASHI have to do with anything?
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Yeah, ease up. Collectively, we've got more than a few hundred years experience in this gig....new guys are welcome but the bar is high. If you read that as arrogance, that's your prerogative.

If you've got chops I guarantee you will be enjoined to contribute.

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Yeah, ease up. Collectively, we've got more than a few hundred years experience in this gig....new guys are welcome but the bar is high. If you read that as arrogance, that's your prerogative.

If you've got chops I guarantee you will be enjoined to contribute.

Not I did not read it as arrogant just not overly friendly, I am a people person and try very hard to get along with everyone and be friendly also

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I have had over a 100 views to my first post on this forum and only two gentlemen had the courtesy to say hello.

I am sure all are aware that I am not a ASHI member but I never considered a national membership as a prerequisite for being a person that enjoys helping clients make informed decision and helping other inspectors with their education process. I have worked with my hands in the Trades for 51 years and retirement is not on the near horizon I enjoy what I do

Awful touchy for a 70 year old. You must have been downright brittle when you were 50. (That was a joke. Just playing on your "dry sense of humor.")

No one here gives a hoot whether or not you're a member of ASHI. Association membership just doesn't count for a lot one way or the other here.

Speak your mind plainly, offer help when you can, don't whine, and we'll all get along just fine, even if you are from Oklahoma.

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I wouldn't describe this place as one where everyone works hard at getting along with each other. It's more like everyone tries really hard to get it right. There's some jostling and egos, but I'm fine with egos if they know something I don't.

Hard info linking to credible reference material rules. Bring that, I'll be your best friend.

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Association membership just doesn't count

This was what I was most curious about because it sure does not matter to me. I have inspector friends all across the USA even in Chicago.[:D] I always leave association membership at the door when I enter another house.

I have three passions HVAC, IR and HI. I operate my business from in the middle of a cow pasture I don't have the large city population to work with, the city of Houston Tx has more population than the whole State Of Okla.

Kurt I use Google when necessary to back up my Statements but not always some of my statements come from past experience.

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I see we have a new member! Hi Charlie?. Sorry I did not post a welcome sooner I'v been working on a Jigsaw puzzle of the Great Wall....

Well thank you Mr Patterson I like your sense of humor good luck with putting your puzzle back together because it won't happen I'm the person that tore down the Great wall[;)]

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I see we have a new member! Hi Charlie?. Sorry I did not post a welcome sooner I'v been working on a Jigsaw puzzle of the Great Wall....

Scott I have a good friend in Clarksville Tn Dave Anderson thought you might know him he is very vocal. We did a 1/2 a million SQ FT IR roof scan in Little Rock Ar together he is a good inspector

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I see we have a new member! Hi Charlie?. Sorry I did not post a welcome sooner I'v been working on a Jigsaw puzzle of the Great Wall....

Scott I have a good friend in Clarksville Tn Dave Anderson thought you might know him he is very vocal. We did a 1/2 a million SQ FT IR roof scan in Little Rock Ar together he is a good inspector

I have met Dave, I really do not know him. He is about an hour north of me, I seldom work in his market area unless it is a litigation case or EIFS/Stucco inspection.

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White lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all.

Merle Haggert Okie from Muskogee

I actually was raised in a moonshine family my first job at age 5 was to change the jug when it got full. I had a Judge at age 18 suggest I join the military which I did[;)]

Old Sailor,

I grew up in western North Carolina. The white and brandy I get is better than any you can dream about.

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White lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all.

Merle Haggert Okie from Muskogee

I actually was raised in a moonshine family my first job at age 5 was to change the jug when it got full. I had a Judge at age 18 suggest I join the military which I did[;)]

Old Sailor,

I grew up in western North Carolina. The white and brandy I get is better than any you can dream about.

Well now we could debate that hard to beat good Rye

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I had a Judge at age 18 suggest I join the military which I did[;)]

There's more than a few folks from back then that got that suggestion.

For most of them, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to them.

That is very true to bad they don't use that policy anymore it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I broke the family chain

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