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When's racoon season?

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Hah, sister in law lives on a combo basement / crawl space. Had me over the other day because something was in the basement ceiling. Coon had gone under the low to the ground basement level deck, dug under the footer and up into the crawl space. From there, crawled over the wall into the area above the drop ceiling in the basement. Tore up some ductwork to make a nest and was ready for babies. Saw her sitting back in the corner when I poked my head above the ceiling. Put the tile back in place and told her to call a critter guy. So far, they've trapped a large male. Still working on getting the medium female I saw.

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Doug, did you take that picture?

Where I live coons come and go. Our 11 acre tract is the smallest one around, for some distance.

They raid our outdoor catfood station from time to time, when the possums don't empty everything. We can always tell when the coons have been around, because they throw the food bowl around and wash their feet in the water bowl.

Funniest animal story here was when our dog trapped an unknown animal under a low deck, and would not stop barking at it. I laid down at the best access point and shined my light on the rear end of a skunk, lifted and straining to spray me, as I could see the little sphincters swelling and ebbing in pink on his little rear end.

Noting the danger, I backed out and called off the hunt. I think the skunk may have been out of nectar at the time.

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Funniest animal story here was when our dog trapped an unknown animal under a low deck, and would not stop barking at it. I laid down at the best access point and shined my light on the rear end of a skunk, lifted and straining to spray me, as I could see the little sphincters swelling and ebbing in pink on his little rear end.

Quite a visual...
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