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Thankfully brick veneer attachment is specifically addressed! It may have been there in past editions but this is plain and easily quoted.


Attachments to exterior veneers (brick, masonry, stone), hollow masonry, and to cantilevered floor overhangs or bay windows are prohibited (see Figures 17 and 18). In such cases, the non-ledger deck is required (See NON- LEDGER DECKS).


I'm not the author but I would guess the "required" diagonal bracing cannot be on the center post, not that you can't add bracing there but that it can't be counted as the required bracing.

Provide diagonal bracing parallel to the beam at each corner post greater than 2'-0" in height as shown in Figure 10. Diagonal bracing is prohibited on center posts.

The specs provided in the document for ledger fastener spacing (page 15) for 10' joist span is 14". The Chicago porch/deck guide I use and a JLC guide I reference have a spacing of 8" and 8.6" respectively for the same span. Seems like a large discrepancy.

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