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Been a while since I've visited but I have an urgent need. I'm working with the National Home Inspector Exam and have lost a couple of people who were helping with a bit of maintenance work this weekend.

Some may already know but JD's brother passed yesterday and another SME had a medical issue pop up today.

If you are willing to come to Boston on the EBPHI's dime this weekend, drop me a line. I believe you will find it a rewarding experience.

Mike, Seattle never happened.

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If any of you are on the fence to do this volunteer work, just do it! the experience will be invaluable. The only way it could be better is if you sit between JD and me, looking across the room to Mike O!

It is worth it even if you paid the expenses.

Keep JD in your thoughts.

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Thank you,

The second spot is filled. I will be hosting a full writing and review session in late April of 2015 and am always open to incorporating new blood. Experienced and Novice (3 - 5 years experience), Members of all organizations and Non-organization member, across North America are welcome. We rotate SMEs in and out as well as keeping a diversified mix.

Have a fun weekend everyone, I know I will.

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I'll echo what other have said about being an SME for the exam writing sessions. It is an eye opener to really see just how much you don't know or thought you knew. This past session we had the guru of pools and spas enlightening us for a couple of days, this alone was worth the time being locked in a room with Les and Mike!

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All should know we have accomplished our goal at the session. We are now working on other maintenance of the exam.

Mark, would you like to be in the pool for other upcoming sessions?

We do vet participants but it is more about time in the industry, where you live and association affiliation (or non). We strive to keep a good mix or distribution for each session. Top that off with rotating people in and out to keep the pool from being stagnant.

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I'm thanking my lucky stars that I didn't see this post, Charlie. I tweaked my lower back last weekend so badly that I can barely get in and out of bed. To work, I've been doubling up on the Vicodin I have left over from the shoulder surgery and then I've been paying for it after the pain killers wear off.

I know darned well I would have jumped up and said, "Sure, I'll go," and at the other end of that six hour cramped as hell flight I would have been crippled up like nobody's business.

I enjoy the hell out of these sessions. I always leave feeling like I've just been through half a week sitting in the Dentist's chair getting a series of root canals but in the end the effort and the camaraderie is worth it - especially after being able to bask in Les' special "glow" for several days [;)] and to be able to soak up some useful brain cells from the folks in the rest of the room so at the end I'll leave smartererer.



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All should know we have accomplished our goal at the session. We are now working on other maintenance of the exam.

Mark, would you like to be in the pool for other upcoming sessions?

We do vet participants but it is more about time in the industry, where you live and association affiliation (or non). We strive to keep a good mix or distribution for each session. Top that off with rotating people in and out to keep the pool from being stagnant.

Yes, Charlie, I would like to be considered. Thank you.

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