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A sure sign of spring!

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It's about 6:45 on a Saturday morning and I just clicked on that and let it play and it woke up the Korean konnection, so I just got another version of the song 'sung' at me in rapid-fire Korean.

Tsk, some people just can't appreciate art.



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I've got your spring. You should be a little more sensitive to the plight of others. [:(]

What you can't see is that this poor sap is dead in the water. He can't go forward or backward. He has been trying for 2 hours now. This photo (at posting time) is 3 hours old. Yes that is Canada in the background.

Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif DSC00064.JPG

127.23 KB

For the geography, this is looking due east across the St. Clair River


Workin the tundra

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