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a return to the beginning

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I remember my first inspection. I had what I thought was fancy software on a PDA and it was going to guide me through the inspection. Man did it bomb out! My digital camera saved me. I just moved around taking pictures although the software did remind me where to go.

Between then and now, I've tried various methods of guidance and data collection.

And now, I've morphed right back to the start. I can pretty much walk up on any house with my camera and move through the inspection taking pictures as my only means of data collection. When back at the office I go through the pictures to remind me what goes into the report.

Can any of you remember what kind of transitions you went through from the beginning until now?

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I remember being able to inspect the entire exterior of a house, including the roof, then go inside and inspect the attic without taking any notes and, afterward, sit down and enter all of that information without forgetting anything.

Now, I can't go more than five minutes without taking a note to remind me of what I'm thinking. After six minutes, I forget it - only to remember it next Tuesday.

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yes, I remember Draeger tubes. Then it was peppermint oil spray, then it was sprayed "salt" and a propane torch, etc.

I always carried extra carbon paper, film (sx 70) and a very long heavy ladder. Took twenty minutes to explain what I was doing. Got $75 for private work and $145 for corp and insurance work.

Also never had boots or jeans, only button up shirt, tie, etc.

Some of the stuff/protocol was good and some was developmental. I had a better sense of self-worth then and felt like a pioneer.

I have never thought of myself as saving the client. I have crossed the line, on occasion, and expressed my real feelings about a house.

The business is better today.

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Yeah, it is. $125 for anything back in '80. I didn't know what the **** I was doing. Honestly, I wasn't worth the buck and a quarter; I was worthless, trying to figure out what the job was. No one else knew, so I made it up as I went along.

I was Dockers, Timberland moc's, white button down with pocket protector. Stopped with the tie when coffee stains became more prominent than the paisley print.

Peppermint spray. Salt. I'd forgotten that stuff.

I crossed the line then, now, and plan on continuing to do so in the future. Reports are mostly meaningless documentation of stuff people have no comprehension of.

I walk most folks through what it all means by talking to them like the contractors they're going to be talking to. I never tell them to buy or not buy, but I've told them I wouldn't let my best friend buy it.

Yeah, heresy. Apostasy on parade. I attribute my current business boom to apostasy, mostly. People wanna know what I think. No one in the professional societies or guvmint licensing bureaus wanna know, but my customers do. So, I tell them.

Truth often runs counter to dogma.

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Did my first inspection in 1981. I think it was about $150 but I did not include the termite inspection. I worked Saturdays, Sundays, nights, etc..

There were two other home inspection companies in the yellow pages for my area (remember when we actually used phone books?)

Also, do you remember?:

Thermal fax paper

Flashlights with lantern batteries

IBM Selectric typewriter

Doing more than two inspections in one day

Being one of the young people at the home inspection meetings

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