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Night Time Photos

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I like the idea. A lot.

What I don't like on the 2nd one is that thing where all the trees are leaning in toward the center. I'm not sure if it's barrel distortion, parallax, or something else. I don't know what you call it. Whatever, the distortion messes up the composition.

But, it's a cool idea. Nice image.

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Thanks for looking.

All I did was use the auto nighttime setting that the camera has built-in. A tripod is a must with long exposures (6 seconds). I post-darkened the moon light just a little because it was too bright.

The barrel distortion bothers me too and I did do a little bit of adjusting but not enough. There are tools to fix that kind of thing with my photo software.

f/3.5, 6 seconds, ISO 200

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