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Illinois Continuing Education

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Have never taken CEs online. I like being able to sit down and meet with other inspectors face to face. I pick up all kinds of info when there's a chance to chat face to face. Of course I realize that when you live in more "remote" areas such options can be limited.

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I've taken but one. I was in a bind and needed some CE hrs real quick so I selected 'advanced air conditioning' at an online vendor and had my CE hrs in half the time a classroom course would have taken.

Only thing I learned is that CE instructors like the word 'advanced' and that online courses are a sham. Must be regional because they're worthless here.


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Steve's stuff is good.

There's nothing sacred about face to face. Dissing online classes just because they're online is old (really, really old) thinking.

To qualify, all CE stuff pretty much blows and sucks at the same time, but at least Steve distills it down to essentials and the structure of his slide shows is a heck of a lot better than sitting through still yet another droning moron home inspector turned wannabe educator.

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Just to be clear, Kurt is talking about Steve Preins, the head guy at Quality Eduction Group.

Their stuff is good. But all CE stuff pales in comparison to what can be learned here, or at the ASHI forum. Continuing education should be just that, continuing. And not something you cram in at the last minute after two years of hibernation.

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Online courses are not an option in NY. I wish they were.

I was missing 3 hours for my last renewal and sat through an engineer's presentation on air conditioning in a meeting room in the back of a Denny's. I learned two things: first, don't wait until the last minute and second, I won't be attending another one of his classes.

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I prefer the in person. Education is often good, sometimes not. But I get more out of the chance to interact and converse with 100 some other inspectors in the state than I do the education.

Gotta check the box, one way or the other.

It's a lonely profession without a lot of interaction with peers.

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