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Management trying to get out of moldy situation.


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Hi there.

Me and my wife moved into a new apartment about 1.5 weeks ago. And after only a couple of days i started to have rashes on my face, which has never happened ever in my life.

We reported this instantly to the management company and I told them that there might be mold present. He respond with saying that i'm just probably reacting to our sheets or laundry detergent, (We've been using the same detergent for over a year).

I bought a home mold test kit from Home depot which turned positive withing 24 hours after sampling the air from the central AC, and I also have these pictures of the ceiling covering the AC and from the bathroom.

24 hours prior to the mold inspector arriving, the on site manager in the entered our apartment, without any notice, and removed the covers that had traces of the leak & mold that was coming from the AC. And when the inspector came, he only sampled the air, and left after 5 minutes. Their air test turned negative.

Luckily, i still have pictures of the covers from before and the bathroom.

Now the landlord is trying to do everything he can to get rid of us because we're "annoying tenants that complains about mold".

Just to clarify i'm not wrong. This is mold isn't it? And what should our next step be?

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Just to clarify i'm not wrong. This is mold isn't it? And what should our next step be?

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Can't tell what it is from a picture.

Just to clarify your question. You are asking a group of Home Inspectors for legal advice?

Only a lawyer can tell you what your next step should be.

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I'm with Bob. It may or may not be mold growth but regardless, there's a dispute between you and the landlord. That's for you to decide on. The alleged mold growth comes later at someone else's behest.


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Of course you found mold with the Home Depot test kit. There's mold spores everywhere. Regardless of where or what you test, you will find mold. It's a completely dipshit test; it provides no useful information.

You are having a reaction to something. Talk to your doctor before freaking out about mold.

Your landlord is an asshole. If you can go somewhere else, do so.

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The mold test that you buy at Home Depot and Lowe's have been know to come already contaminated with mold spores. They are not a reliable testing method. Look up the testing lab that sells the kits to the big box stores, it does not have a very good reputation in the IAQ world...

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I can bring the pieces of the ceiling to a mold inspector. But I rather get over with the whole situation, the landlord is just escalating it. They invaded our privacy by entering our home without any notice, which is against the law, just to be able to remove the pieces off the ceiling (thats on the pictures). I later found the pieces in the trash outside.

They also accused us for having a waterbed, which is something we absolutely don't have. It's really weird since the on site manager must've came in and have looked through all of our stuff.

For the person saying we're annoying tenants; what would you rather do? Just inhale the possible spores and hope for the best? I'm more concerned about my health than being someones annoyance.

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It's prudent to be concerned if there is mold growth in the house because it's a prolific spore producing machine and the spores released are trapped by the floors, walls and ceilings of the house. If they can't get out their numbers will keep rising without end. Not that it will definitely make you sick but that it might. Some folks do get sick, some more than others. The factors that govern whether you will get sick or not are far too many and too diverse to even bother. It's easier just to get it out of the house regardless of what it actually is and be done with it.

If you have a medical issue, do what Kurt said, see a doc.

If you have an issue with the landlord, see a lawyer or move out.


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Yeah, kinda. 10+ years of people freaking out about mold tends to harden one up with a strong shell of cynicism. If there was strong science telling us that mold is a major health hazard, then it'd be different. As it is, most folks are still operating on popular news media blather.

The guy may have a legitimate concern, but we can't tell. The only thing I can say for sure is the landlord is a dick.

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I finally figured out the last three pics. That is dirt on silicone sealer around a shower enclosure. Yes the dirt will often grow mould (mold) and the solution is to remove the old silicone sealer and replace it. Clean the bathroom and you won't get the black dirt.

It is normal for any older bathroom, especially one that is rented. Why, because renters tend to neglect the place, expecting the landlord to maintain everything. Yet they also tend to complain if the landlord wants to come in. So you get this type of thing - dirt. We see similar moldy dirt in the window channels. People that clean up their living spaces and wipe the dirt off once in a while don't get this kind of dirt.

The stain around the sprinkler head could be moisture from a leak or condensation on the cold pipe. Those other stains, who knows? Replace the ceiling tiles if it is a concern.

If you are reacting to those typical, minor stains, you will not find safe rental housing anywhere on the planet, IMO.

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