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New Sox?

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For those Nay-Sayers out there, who think the Sox won on a controverserial call-They Did!! However, after tonights game, it's safe to say they showed up and played a game that lets everyone know they're for real! I have no doubt this series will be close the whole way through, but I do believe the Sox are headed to the World Series. And the bullpen? When they ever get in a game, they'll be well rested!!!! On to game # 4!!!

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Originally posted by Gordon

For those Nay-Sayers out there, who think the Sox won on a controverserial call-They Did!!

Nay! Nay! Just kidding. They did get the benefit of blown call, but that's the ump's fault not theirs. I think the Angels are toast. I can't see them running off three in a row against the White Sox.

Brian G.

Owner of the Athletic Sox [^]

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Oh, I get it. designated hitter - DH - jeesh.

If you guys're gonna talk sports, how about dumbing it down by not using abbreviations so that those of us who're unanointed into the sport can at least try to follow the conversation.



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"If only King George $.spent more money,maybe the $eries would be in NYC" Yankee bashing is a New England right and privledge. We love hearing the Yankee lovers using 'wait until next year'.Is The Evil Empire going to buy more baseball stars?? Maybe he should spend a couple of billion $$ for a new stadium?? Lately, baseball TEAMS have won the important games. The collection of pampered stars go home early and whine all winter. Boston and New England do not buy championships-we earn them thru hard work and teamwork.[:-banghea

Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles


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Oh Jack, Jack Jack...

Well, maybe you guys haven't been working TOO hard the last 86 years.....

You really haven't heard the Yankee fans cry 'wait till next year' phase too often the past 10 years.

You know King George will build his new stadium; at least then he won't have to pay all those other teams any 'luxury' tax money.

Yankee pin strips baby!

Just a couple of names for ya:

Bucky F---ing Dent

Bill Buckner

Aaron Boone

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Originally posted by Jack Ahern

"If only King George $.spent more money,maybe the $eries would be in NYC" Yankee bashing is a New England right and privledge. We love hearing the Yankee lovers using 'wait until next year'.Is The Evil Empire going to buy more baseball stars?? Maybe he should spend a couple of billion $$ for a new stadium?? Lately, baseball TEAMS have won the important games. The collection of pampered stars go home early and whine all winter. Boston and New England do not buy championships-we earn them thru hard work and teamwork.[:-banghea

Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles


Whatever it takes to win within the rules. That is the American way. Business, politics, and most other sports. Why should baseball be different?

Hey Jack "Wah-Wah-Wah" to quote Artie Lang (an inside comment for those of you that are Stern fans). [:-weepn][:-weepn][:-weepn] For the very few times that Boston fans have to smile about their team, you should enjoy it when you can.

Only a Boston fan would still dwell on the Yankees even when both teams are out of the playoffs.

Wanna bet that Yanks come out ahead of Boston again next year? I suppose that that is not fair. I should at least give you odds. Poor, poor Boston.[:-weepn][:-weepn][:-weepn]

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Originally posted by Jack Ahern

Is The Evil Empire going to buy more baseball stars??

Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?

Boston and New England do not buy championships-we earn them thru hard work and teamwork.

Where the Red Sox are concerned, I can't agree. Last I knew (last year) they were #2 only to the Bankees in total salary. It was a fair step up from them to the Yanks, but being #2 out of all MLB teams means the Sox got no room to talk about money buying success.

By the way, if anyone missed it they were showing the other night that the combined salaries of the two teams in each match-up was still about $25 million less than the Yankees payroll.

Now the Patriots...different story. In by far the most level, equitable, and successful pro sports league in the U.S., they've managed to win 3 out of the last 4 championships. The did it with great coaching, shrewd drafting and hiring, and hard work. I've got a lot of respect for them, even though they aren't my team.

Brian G.

Trade Belichek to the Saints, We Need Him Worse! [:-footbal

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

Whatever it takes to win within the rules. That is the American way.

I like to think the American way runs a lot deeper than that. It's also about fair play and what's right, not just what isn't outlawed by rule. We tell our kids "It isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game that counts." I like to think we still believe that, because it's true. If it isn't true, we've lost our souls.

To teach them otherwise is to push them towards the fine line between getting every inch of advantage out of the rules and flat-out cheating. I don't want my boy to grow up seeing me be willing to deny an obvious call or make bogus excuses just because it's my team that benefits.

I know that's not exactly what you said Steven, but I think it leans towards that line I mentioned. It's hard not to love winning.

Brian G.

Sports Philosopher At Large [:-dopey]

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I wasn't going to bring that subject up, but since you did....

Boston has the second highest payroll in baseball (only to the Yankees if anyone didn't know that).

If Fenway park held more fans, I'm sure they would be number one. Let's see, Yankee stadium holds about 56,000 fans while I believe Fenway (and I may be wrong) holds about 35,000. Just think of all the firepower Boston could buy IF Fenway could generate more revenue.

As for the Pats, again, a tip of the hat. But, just wait until Eli gets going, Big Blue will be a force for many years to come.

As Three Dog Night once sang,

ELI'S Coming!


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Originally posted by Brian G.

Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

Whatever it takes to win within the rules. That is the American way.

I like to think the American way runs a lot deeper than that. It's also about fair play and what's right, not just what isn't outlawed by rule. We tell our kids "It isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game that counts." I like to think we still believe that, because it's true. If it isn't true, we've lost our souls.

To teach them otherwise is to push them towards the fine line between getting every inch of advantage out of the rules and flat-out cheating. I don't want my boy to grow up seeing me be willing to deny an obvious call or make bogus excuses just because it's my team that benefits.

I know that's not exactly what you said Steven, but I think it leans towards that line I mentioned. It's hard not to love winning.

Brian G.

Sports Philosopher At Large [:-dopey]

You are right, I was just trying to rub some salt in the Red Sox wound [;)]

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A priest in a boat watched a group of New York Yankees on another boat shoot and kill a shark that had a Red Sox player in its jaws. The Yankees pulled the Red Sox player up onto the boat, then fished out the shark.

Bless you, my sons, said the priest. I thought you guys had a rivalry. Bless you, bless you, bless you.

The priest left, and as they tied their fishing lines back onto the Red Sox player, the Yankees chided the priest for not knowing much about shark fishing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't pretty...sometimes. It wasn't the pitching that most of the baseball minds thought it would be...sometimes. What it was? Great drama...by both teams-all the time. This series could have gone either way. The combined loss margin was only 6 runs!!! But in the end, it was the team that made the least amount of mental errors that won...and that's all that needs to be said!!! I don't know about the rest of the country, but this was must see T.V.!!! And the White Sox proved why they were the best road team in all of baseball this season, by winning every clinching game in the opposing teams house!! That's a first for MLB. I predicted this series would go at least 6 games, with the Sox taking it. But I had no idea they would sweep! The Astros have great heart. As a lifelong White Sox fan, this is sooooo satisfying-and yet, I can't help feel sorry for Biggio, Bagwell, Phil Garner...they just ran into a team that has been battle tested, with a chip on their shoulders, and with something to prove to their detractors.

What a great season!!!

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Yeah, how 'bout it? The 14 inning marathon had me stupified by the time it was over.

Gotta hand it to the fans in Houston; very good manners. The out that Uribe caught in the stands could have been legally fiddled w/by anyone. If it had been Chicago, some moron would have stuck their hands out & messed up the play.

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Can we say, "Steve Bartman"? To be fair, as long as the ball has broken the plane, it's fair game for fans and players. If you look at the replay from the Cubs, the ball had broken the plane...and Bartman, along with all the other fans in the area were all trying to catch that...and Alou isn't that great of an outfielder to begin with, so his chances of catching that weren't good anyway! But alot needs to be said for the Houston fans-you're right Kurt. The series ended on Wednesday, this is Monday...I'm still riding the wave!!!

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I wish baseball would do something to keep the fans from interferring, I'm just not sure what. Hockey-style plexiglass? Chain-link fencing just like what's already behind home plate? Double outfield walls with a gap between them? All of the above? No other sport I can think of allows fans to physically interfere with play on the field or court. It's dumb. It creates unfair situations. Who knows, under extreme circumstances it might allow one unthinking idiot to compromise the world championship chances of a franchise and an entire long-suffering city. [:-dev3][:D][:-dev3]

Brian G.

Yeah, What I Said Already! [:-irked]

P.S. Congradulations to the White Sox fans [:-basebal

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