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Anyone know of any Mac versions of software?

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I left Windows XP for Mac. My design firm uses Windows based machines so I'm on them everyday, right now as a matter of fact. I absolutely hate them at this point.

I appologize for disagreeing, but IMO windows in no way approches the quality and stability of OSX. There is just no quality comparison. XP is like that drunk uncle who thinks he knows everything and tries to convince you he was a CIA operative, then when you argue, he gets violent and then passes out.

From your response, I take it you're under the impression that Apple computers are a thing of the past? Not true. Apple holds a significant market share of personal computers and a huge advantage in the high end, professional design end of things, as well as making the the most advanced operating system available.

The Mac is not what people think of 10-15 years ago.

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You know, I've read this MAC vs. PC stability argument for years, but have yet to experience it. Anytime that my box locked up or caused me a problem, and I've blamed it on something else - such as the operating system - further investigation revealed that it was me causing the issue and had nothing to do with the computer at all.

Just what the heck is everyone referring to?



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Here are some simple issues and examples regarding the PC vs. Mac arguement without getting too technical.

1) Microsoft makes software, not computers. Windows XP is installed on thousands of different manufacturers PCs with infinite(nearly)variables in hardware architecture. What RAM? What sound card? Video card? BUS? Processor? Is it a Pentium 3? 4? Which of the 10 available P4s is it?

Windows can be running on any of a 100,000 types of computers at any one time. This is a performance issue with code programming.

Not so with Mac. Apple makes their computers, decides on a processor(s)usually only 4. 2 choices for desktop and 2 for laptop, drive, 1 sound card, 1 videocard, etc. and design their operating system to take full advantage of the 1 choice it has rather than code for 100 thousand variables. For Mac, there's only maybe 4 at any one time.

2) In Windows, your software can be thought of as a function of Windows. When you install software, it actually attaches itself to operating files such as System32, Winsys, .dll files and those files are required to be present and correct for your program to run.(this is what happens when you open a Virus as well) Often, when you are running multiple programs they are looking for Windows comands at the same time and place, it gets "confused" and you crash. Programs also get tied to other programs , even inadvertantly.

Mac that doesn't happen. The software runs semi-independantly of the operating system. It's not directly attached to it. It just provides an "envirornment" for it to function on its own.

At worst, if you crash, it only takes the one program.

3) the virus issue in practically nill for Mac for this same reason. Additionally, 99% of all viruses are designed to function in Windows and Internet Explorer. Not applicable to Mac. When you open an email that contains the FU.exe virus file that attaches to your Winsys32 and worms starts pulling in pop-ups from the web...

the mac says "what the hell's a .exe? I don't need that, delete."

And for that 1% of those viruses on Mac, most are attacking Mac versions of Windows called VirtualPC (allows Windows to operate on Mac) and Internet Explorer.

In the same amount of time I've used my PC and my Mac on the same things at home, my pc has had over 100,000 viruses of some kind and needed pro-level support 3 times in 2 years, plus my harddrive wiped out.

Not a single virus on my Mac.

4) It just works. You don't need all the support programs. If you want to load photos off your camera it all goes to Iphoto. You don't even need your cameras software. Want to listen to music? Itunes. Movies? Imovie. Dvd? Idvd. It just knows what you're asking it when you plug something in or load something and opens the appropriate application.

No need to have stuff like RealAudio, WinAmp, etc.

That's just a brief nutshell.

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If I didn't have to have a Tablet PC, I'd be out of Windows in a heartbeat. After one plays w/the Mac, & enjoys the fun of a system designed from the ground up (not one patched together to run on a machine not intended to run it), one understands what jseddy is talking about.

Yeah, yeah; XP is better than the old crap. It's still not OSX.

The Mac is elegant; Windows is not. If software were a building, Mac would be your favorite architecture. Windows would be some trailers mashed together; you can live w/it, but it's not beautiful.

If you really need to run a Windows program, like some cool little utility for sizing flues or something, you can run various "virtual PC" systems on the Mac; there's ways around the conflict.

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Yep. I use it to point & click my way through my Filemaker Pro system. Very nice, simple, elegant interface. I rarely if ever use the handwriting function 'cause I type about 115 wpm, but on occasion, I'll use it to scratch notes when I'm stopped @ a stoplight.

Bullet proof enough; I've had the current model for about 2 1/2 years. Compaq TC1000, I think...

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

Sorry but I lost my list. It was on my BetaMax tape.

Unfortunately, the better technology sometimes loses. Luckily, Windows XP is approaching Mac qualities. Windows XP is a vast improvement. Give it another try.

Without discussing the pros and cons of the two operating systems, the reality is that the marketplace will decide what will happen.

My reference to the Betamax is because it was better than VHS in many ways but because of market forces the VHS became the standard. Beta continued to be used in some places but the selection of pre-recorded movies available in that format was much more limited. Of course VHS is now obsolete because of DVD technology.

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On that note, I guess I'll ask what I was really trying to get at. I'm new to this home inspection game and just getting set up, taking classes, doing the research, setting up the business, etc.

I have a Mac at home I'll be using for the business, storing all the data files, email, all that crap. I'm planning on using a small laptop on site and portable printer,cd-rs to generate on-site reports if needed, then load everything to my home computer. Obviously I need a Mac compatible laptop. Can't find Mac report generators. But...

Being familiar with computers and software, why can't I make my own report creator? Every demo I've seen looks like nothing more than a template from Word or Excel. Has anyone done this? Bypassed the software on your own? Coming from a good background in design and construction I see these software packages and can't believe they're selling for what they are.

Any advice in this area would be welcome as it seems if I want to stay w/ Apple computers it may be my only option.

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Try Cramerware; that's slang for the template setup in Word that Mark Cramer put together years ago. It's called Intelligent Reporter in some circles, but I think that's slightly different from his current version. It's the best single software available; too many reasons to name. It's worth the $600-700 he's asking. I'm sure you could put your own together, but if your time is worth 10 cents an hour, his is still a better deal.

You might want to put together a relational system in Filemaker Pro; that's what I've been doing for about 15 years. Filemaker is transparent across platforms; I've run mine back & forth cross platform a few hundred times w/no problems.

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Most of the improvements in 8 are of the sort that are beneficial to major database freaks; I'm still running 6 & it's more than adequate for anything you might contemplate in the HI biz.

The thing of interest for me (in 8) is the internal .pdf creation. Filemaker can be a little squirrely w/.pdf's; it will move stuff around for reasons no one seems to understand. Sometimes you have to use PDFWriter & sometimes Distiller.

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No. I have the full Adobe (5), but have tried it w/ 6 & it's the same. There will be odd occasions when I'm working w/ a pasted graphic (like my signature, or a photo) where it will move it. It's weird, & discussed from time to time on the Filemaker forums. It seems well recognized by the FM geeks forums, but the company always says "huh?"

To add to your dislike of Windows, this phenomenon only happens in Windows. Mac's don't seem to have the problem.

Other than that, Filemaker is the single most useful piece of software I've ever found. I run my entire business in it; reports, letters, "word processing", receivables, photos, everything.

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OK. I downloaded the Filemaker 8 Trial & gave it a little workout. The .pdf printer was a mess; didn't work @ all for me. The output was totally goofed up.

I talked to some Beta testers for Filemaker, & they indicated that it has been a problem from the outset.

V.6 for me for the time being.....

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Good info Kurt. Do you create your own reports template? Just curious. You seem pretty aware of software.

Also (posssibly a different board) how much digital photo dev'ing stuff do you see needs addressed? Obviously anyone can take a pic, but how much further do you see a HI needs to take that within digital development or actual photo taking considering it's a "professionally taken photo". Is this something a HI should just develop as he goes or get some relative experience beforehand?

(not sure I posed that ? right. Hope you can decipher what I'm getting at)

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Yep; my own business mgt./report template.

Digital photos get included as a separate sheet, IF I take any. I type >100 wpm, so I can describe anything in about a tenth the time as it takes me to take a photo, download, fiddle, insert, notate, etc. I take a lot of photos for client education, & keep them all on file though. I may be forced to take more, just from a marketing standpoint.

As far as quality, just about any decent image works fine for HI work. I shoot low rez, & resize so that they're all about 20-30K. Digital cam's are about the settings, not the megapixels; I'm not enlarging any of the inspection photos.

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