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For Sale: Slightly Haunted House

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That's so cool!

I don't believe in absolute death - or any of what's taught by religions.

We are nothing but dead flesh until activated by a spark of energy that stays with us as long as our host, that pile of bone and flesh, continues to function. I think that when we have kids more than our DNA gets passed on. I believe all of our memories are downloaded too but most of us haven't figure out how to consciously access those.

You can't destroy that energy - only transform it. I believe that once our body dies the thing that powers us either transfers to someone else descended from the same ancestor or continues to exist somehow. There is no absolute death.

For whatever reason, certain places are like a special cellphone that only reaches one number. Instead of being freaked out by that house those folks should be trying to learn to communicate with it.

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That's so cool!

I don't believe in absolute death - or any of what's taught by religions.

We are nothing but dead flesh until activated by a spark of energy that stays with us as long as our host, that pile of bone and flesh, continues to function. I think that when we have kids more than our DNA gets passed on. I believe all of our memories are downloaded too but most of us haven't figure out how to consciously access those.

You can't destroy that energy - only transform it. I believe that once our body dies the thing that powers us either transfers to someone else descended from the same ancestor or continues to exist somehow. There is no absolute death.

For whatever reason, certain places are like a special cellphone that only reaches one number. Instead of being freaked out by that house those folks should be trying to learn to communicate with it.

I like what you say.

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I believe in spirits, although I refer to them as souls. In my opinion there is something very special about life, too special to be created by a sperm fertilizing an egg that grows into a thinking person (most), that can create thing that don't exist. More importantly I believe in G-D.

I also believe that I wanna go hang out in Washington State, relaxing on the porch with a Bud Lite.

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I was hired as an expert witness in a case claiming non-disclosure of an alleged "haunted" house.

I'd love to get on one of those "paranormal investigators" shows. I'm sure most folks here could easily debunk the ghosthunters' pseudoscientific claims of paranormal activity in buildings.

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One of my inspectors did a poltergeist house (we did not know that going into the inspection) and the spirit performed for the inspector and all the other folks during the inspection. Made the National Enquirer. There are many "spirit occupied" houses in CT, Long Island, NJ.

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