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Bee/Wasp stings (a warning & Lesson)

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Hi to all,

Yesterday I was out helping one of our members (I won't name him until I have his permission) with a commercial inspection when he was stung by 2 yellow jackets.

He complained that the stings hurt like hell, but he went back to work, (I had asked him if he was allergic to stings, as I suffer from this myself). 5 Min's later one of the building staff came to find me to tell me that the other inspector was not well and was looking for me.

He looked like hell warmed over and was complaining that he had never felt so bad in his life, we immediately got him in a car and went for help, by the time I got him to the nearest emergency room he was in very bad shape, covered from head to foot in hives, had extremely low blood pressure and was unable to either see, or hear properly. Needless to say he thought he was going to die, and I was far from convinced that he was wrong.

Anyway, cutting to the chase he was in ER for 4 1/2 hours while they stabilized him, with massive doses of adrenaline, steroids and Ephedrines, and was admitted to ICU for monitoring overnight. I just heard from his wife he had a very bad night with further reactions to the meds they gave him to stabilize him and had further bouts of low blood pressure that they had to treat him for several times during the night.

Please do not assume that because you have been stung many times before that you are immune to stings and bites, in fact the doctors told me that it is far from unusual for people who regularly come into contact with stinging insects to develop sensitivity to stings (in fact this inspector had had a sting several months ago that had produced quite severe swelling that had to be treated by his GP) this unknown to him was the warning shot that his sensitivity had changed.

The lesson:

Please stop to consider carefully whenever you are stung or bitten exactly how you feel, and if you feel ANYTHING abnormal, please get immediate medical attention. Please don't make the mistake of believing that you are immune just because you have had NO PREVIOUS bad reactions.

The Bottom Line

Had we been unable to get him to ER promptly HE WOULD HAVE DIED from Anaphalatic shock, The Doctors say he may have been dead in another 10-15 Min's (we had him in ER within 15 Min's of the stings)

If you have the opportunity, please ask you GP about the risks that you take with your job, and asked if you can be checked for sensitivity to stings and bites, if you have any previous history of bad allergic reactions please get a prescription for EPIPENS to carry in your car/truck.



On a happier note he should be released from Hospital tomorrow and will make a full recovery, his allergist believes he can be desensitized, so will be in less danger in future. He will be carrying Epipens for the rest of his life however.



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Gerry, very well written and VERY TRUE. After a lifetime of immunity from stings, I had a serious reaction last month. Not as serious, but a lesson learned! An immediate application of After Bite really helps anyone that is stung, according to my GP.

Thanks for warning.

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Hi to all,

I have just spoken to the inspector I was with yesterday, he has now been moved out of ICU and into a regular room he will be kept in for another 48 hours.

He is happy for me to have told you this tale as a warning and does not mind being identified, the member involved is Joe Burkeson, I know you will wish him well, and hope as I do that he has a speedy recovery.



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