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Pretty soon my family and I will be coordinating with a local Beagle rescue to help foster homeless dogs until homes are found.

I need to put up a fence. I'm looking for something cheap but effective. I was thinking 3 rail split rail with wire mesh but I'm open to other suggestions.

My specific question is with planting the posts. I may want to move the fence after the initial install. As opposed to ready mix concrete, do you think back filling the post holes with pea gravel will hold them sufficiently? This way I can more easily move them at a later date if so desired.

Any suggestions?

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Don't never ever put a fence post in concrete. It just rots out the post.

Dig the hole, put in some crushed stone, place the post, pack crushed stone around it. Crushed stone, as in #5 with no fines.

Eliminate pea gravel from your repertoire. Pea gravel is for children's play areas. It's an amoeba; it just squirts all over the place.

Personally, I like the rabbit idea best.

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Temporary fence posts and temp plastic fence material. I've used it. Still got some left. Not expensive, reusable.

Google 'temporary fence post' and 'temporary plastic fence'.

Well, may have to use something stronger than plastic if it's beagles within.


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Back in the day when I lived on base housing at Camp Lejuene I installed a very simple and inexpensive fence system. Simple pressure treated 4" round posts and woven wire fencing. Posts set in gravel. Easy install and easy removal when I left the Marine Corps during the Force Reduction Act of 1990/91.

Took the fence with me to Jacksonville, FL. No longer have the fence or the dog. Wife wanted a classic white picket with scalloped design.


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So far, it looks like Kevin has the best suggestion.

I hunted snowshoe rabbits every winter weekend of the ninety's to the mid 00's. Occasionally, I also chased those flea infested cotton rats, as well.

You might better spend a few bucks on a used chain link fence, dig a trench about a foot lower than ground level, and back fill it as best as you can.

If those dogs want out, they'll tunnel under your idea faster than Steve McQueen in the Great Escape. You'll be chasing them around the neighborhood like the ending of the Benny Hill show.

I don't think cheap and effective go together here.

Edit; Mike Lamb, posted while I was typing.

That fence would work fine, too. Just make sure you trench below ground level. I'm warning you.....[;)]

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