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HI Artography - Chimney and a Basketball Pics

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Looks like Mike took the first one from his bucket truck.

A friend and I were tasked, among a number of fixups on an 1830 house, with removing a chimney column and replacing it with a faux one framed with siding.

We hooked up a chain and cable to his little Toyota pickup, got far enough away to get out from under, and tried to tug the column over. Not enough weight to tip it. That minute a big tractor/trailer pulled up along the streetside asking directions. He let us tether to his bed frame, and he just pushed his clutch and let it roll a few feet.

The column bounced when it hit, rising in the middle like a serpent, before it reached its linear limit.

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The column bounced when it hit, rising in the middle like a serpent, before it reached its linear limit.

You should have videotaped that.

I was on the roof of the multi-unit next door. It looked like this chimney was raised at least twice. I don't know why. It was at least 10' away from its neighbor.

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