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Builder Taylor Morrison says this is an 80/20??


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Hello - thank you for taking the time to view this post. Was hoping you can help me with a small discrepancy.

We are building a new home and are ready for walk-through. I would like to know if the builder is mistaken and attempting to avoid fixing the issue. We asked for an 80/20 sink and they gave us this (see pic)

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To me it looks like a 40/60 - because this is what I am used to as an 80/20 (see pic)

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If I search Google and type in 80/20 - all of the sinks looks like the 2nd pic.

Is the builder mistaken?


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When we got our new counter top, we looked at pictures in a pamphlet and my wife chose the one in the first pic. It is a good sink. If you wash dishes by hand, you can fill either the big one or the little one.

The one you call 80/20 is not as versatile, IMO. It is unfortunate that you didn't clarify what you wanted. I think the blame should be shared equally if it is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

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It is unfortunate that you didn't clarify what you wanted. I think the blame should be shared equally if it is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

What?! You work for TM now? [;)] - I have built 3 homes - each with a 80/20 sink which looked like those in the 2nd pic. Even a Google Search for 80/20 under-mount sink shows what is in the 2nd pic. The design sheet - shows 80/20 - I did not ask for opinions, what I am asking is if professionals and communities members that moderate these forums know if what you see in the first pic is a 40/60 or an 80/20.

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I couldn't find a definition of 80/20 and 40/60 sinks...but I'm certain the larger basin in the first photo isn't going to hold 4X as much water as the smaller one.

I'd argue with the builder on that point and tell him he's installed the wrong sink. Fix it or offer me something.


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If you wanted a particular sink, you should have specified a manufacturer and model number.

You don't get to "choose" a particular sink - they offer you a stainless sink and then offer you the sizes to choose. I was hoping for other "professionals" to be able to tell me if there was a certain classification for different 80/20 sinks etc. maybe I missed something. From what I am seeing so far - that is not an 80/20 sink but I am not an expert in the industry and was hoping to gain more knowledge.

You've already decided that. Now you're only interested in finding folks on an internet forum to agree with you.

Thanks - your comment was extremely helpful. [:-thumbd]

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If you wanted a particular sink, you should have specified a manufacturer and model number.

You don't get to "choose" a particular sink - they offer you a stainless sink and then offer you the sizes to choose. I was hoping for other "professionals" to be able to tell me if there was a certain classification for different 80/20 sinks etc. maybe I missed something. From what I am seeing so far - that is not an 80/20 sink but I am not an expert in the industry and was hoping to gain more knowledge.

You've already decided that. Now you're only interested in finding folks on an internet forum to agree with you.

Thanks - your comment was extremely helpful. [:-thumbd]

The sink they installed is what some suppliers describe as a 60/40.

So in the light of this latest info, theygaveyouachoice and you picked 80/20, it would appear that a mistake was made. There you go.

If you have a manufacturer, they would be the best source for a picture of what their 80/20 sink looks like.

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What?! You work for TM now? - I have built 3 homes - each with a 80/20 sink which looked like those in the 2nd pic. Even a Google Search for 80/20 under-mount sink shows what is in the 2nd pic. The design sheet - shows 80/20 - I did not ask for opinions, what I am asking is if professionals and communities members that moderate these forums know if what you see in the first pic is a 40/60 or an 80/20.

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I hope that it is the biggest issue that you have with the builder. If so, you are doing good. Most people would envy your problem. A lot of people in the world would be thrilled with running water.

If you have it in writing you should be able to request that it be changed. I would not be surprised if the builder figures out a way to "pay" you back in the future. Don't expect a quick response when you need it.

If you can "Suffer" with the 60/40 sink, maybe the builder will take it as a gesture of compromise and give you something in exchange.

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