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It would appear that PB lost their FEMA contract

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BISCO is owned by Marvin Goldstein, ASHI President last year....

His company joined with Vanguard and bid on the FEMA contract, they won it along with Parson (PB), PARR is the one that is out.

They are doing something different in that they are going to try and use as many local inspectors as possible so that you do not have to close down your business for several weeks to work a disaster.

BISCO has been a major REACT inspection contractor for years. They have a good reputation.

This is the BISCO website http://www.inspectpro.com/

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Gee Tom, I guess the hour or so I spend reposting that ad is worth it for those inspections.

Just like I get several a year from putting my business card on those bulletin boards in those little out of the way boondock gas stations or restaurants when I stop there to get a drink or gas.

How many a year, per source, do you want for free before the effort is worth it?

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  • 7 months later...

That's good to know. Well, speaking of FEMA I have heard that over the last few years the Federal Emergency Management Agency isn't making very many friends. FEMA has sent out letters insisting that 5,560 individuals repay $21 million in emergency cash. One senator has recently floated a bill that would roll back these payments.

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