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Temp Housing For Katrina Folks

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Hi All,

I've been mulling over this whole 'relocation' thing that's going on and it occurs to me that at a time when they'll need every able-bodied worker that they can find down in the gulf coast, there isn't anyplace to house either the displaced folks or the workers coming in to reconstruct the area. So what then? Tent cities? Row upon row of camping trailers?

Here's a couple of possible housing solutions. They could use large fields, airfields and athletic fields to set up whole temporary cities. The problem is, how fast could they be produced and shipped? Comments?

Link#1: http://www.dennisdavey.com/hom4me.htm

Link#2: http://www.durakit.com/EngBroch.pdf



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FEMA is stubbing their toe on this one too. My wife has an apartment building with a vacant unit. She has been volunteering at the Austin convention center and took the opportunity to attempt to find out how to move some evacuees into her vacant unit. After getting the "I don't know, ask so and so." run around for a couple hours, she gave up in frustration.

We hear about some property owners making apartments available, but she couldn't find anyone to tell her what to do. I'll stop here.

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

What about using some of these as temporary shelters until proper housing can be built?

They are very portable and virtually free. Just have to figure out how to make them habitable.


A friend of mine tried to sell the container idea, to the government and businesses, during the Kuwati rebuilding. He came up with a cheap and efficient way of making them habitable. The concept never took off. Maybe he should re-submit his idea...

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

A friend of mine tried to sell the container idea, to the government and businesses, during the Kuwati rebuilding. He came up with a cheap and efficient way of making them habitable. The concept never took off. Maybe he should re-submit his idea...

Tell him to partner-up with Halliburton, that'll do it. [:-mischie

Brian G.

Hmmm...Halliburton Home Inspection...Hmmm [;)]

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