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Adventures in Home Inspecting

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Today's job had an interesting crawlspace. House built on a steep grade.

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There's a 4ft. drop off at the right side of that storage platform then a steep grade up to the other end of the crawl.

About halfway up the slope I found this on the plastic.

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It was on a steep slope and not under any baths or pipes. Had me scratching my head for a few minutes. When I couldn't figure it out I figured I'd just note it and tell 'em to investigate. Another ten feet and I found the source.

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That's the main waste line where it goes out under the front wall of the foundation below the entry. Note the angle of the pipe going to the street and the angle of the pipe that had been glued to it. You can see part of what's feeding that pipe in the first photo above. it's about mid-picture about 9ft. above the platform. Needless to say, I didn't slither under the platform to poke around in.........

I'm getting too old for this sh*t. Pun intended.



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Regarding the crack at the fitting, do you think that the house moved, causing the crack, or was the pipe stressed during installation, causing it to crack later?

Hi Jim,

No, I don't think the house moved. I think the guy who glued up that fitting started at the hub and worked his way back from there gluing sections on and allowing gravity to determine the slope of that pipe. I think the strain was just too much and it eventually snapped at the point where the difference in the two intersecting angles was the greatest.

I guess if she gets the house the plumber will eventually figure it out and I'll hear what the plumber thinks caused it. Or maybe not. Nobody could ever call the plumber that did the original job brilliant. The picture below is an example of his work. That's the top plate of the exterior cripple wall between the foundation and the house above.

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Interesting week or so for me up here..

Did an inspection on a building from 1850's that was attached to the former "Cocoanut Grove' nightclub building (Boston) (Fire-1942 490 folks died). Then an 1881 house that was hit by the "Worcester Tornado' of 1953.. the top was 'removed'.. Interesting stuff ..

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