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My friend sent this to me. This is an actual video capture.

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I have been asked by FEMA to go to New Orleans to help evaluate the buildings. My wife had a fit when I suggested that I might want to go and help. She thinks it is too dangerous right now because of the chance of disease. Has anyone else on this forum been asked?

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

My friend sent this to me. This is an actual video capture.

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I have been asked by FEMA to go to New Orleans to help evaluate the buildings. My wife had a fit when I suggested that I might want to go and help. She thinks it is too dangerous right now because of the chance of disease. Has anyone else on this forum been asked?

I sent in my resume, and got a form reply saying they'd contact me in about 30 days. I plan to go with other members of my church, if I don't get the nod from FEMA.

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I got an odd call from some private outfit 2 days ago (can't remember the name). They were looking for people with training for what I think were insurance inspections of some kind. I told the guy I didn't have any such training and he moved on.

I think the situation will be stabilized for most purposes in a matter of weeks, at least in most places. The sprawling slums of New Orleans may be the exception, where the dead (humans and animals) and lingering, polluted waters may still poses a serious risk for Average Joe's.

I'm still thinking about how best to try to help, but I know running down there now would probably not be helping. Chris, do you know where your group plans to head to?

Brian G.

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My inspector has kinda left me high and dry to head down there for PaRR. They've promised him the moon so far. They're claiming a guaranteed minimum of $450 per day plus $100 per day living expenses. This is about all they've told him and they wouldn't tell him anything more.

I think he'll find out that it's not quite the cash cow he's thinking it will be.

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Originally posted by Brian G.

I got an odd call from some private outfit 2 days ago (can't remember the name). They were looking for people with training for what I think were insurance inspections of some kind. I told the guy I didn't have any such training and he moved on.

I think the situation will be stabilized for most purposes in a matter of weeks, at least in most places. The sprawling slums of New Orleans may be the exception, where the dead (humans and animals) and lingering, polluted waters may still poses a serious risk for Average Joe's.

I'm still thinking about how best to try to help, but I know running down there now would probably not be helping. Chris, do you know where your group plans to head to?

Brian G.

We're not sure yet, but I'll keep you posted.

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Help will be needed for the next 18-24 months. 90,000 square miles across LA,MS and AL. It's not just New Orleans. Everyone has forgotten that 130,000 homes in MS were destroyed. Along the MS Gulf Coast (Biloxi, Gulfport, Ocean Springs, Passcagoula) 27,000 homes are gone. They were washed away by the 35' storm surge that went inland for a little over a mile.

Plenty of inspections will be coming as repairs are made and as homeowners fight the battles to get the insurance company to cover what they should be covering.

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Hi Scott,

I agree, it is going to be a long haul. However, I think that it is really important, if they are ready, willing and able to, that the local guys who've been impacted the most by this mess be at the top of FEMA's list of inspectors and be given the work first. Then, and only then, should those from out of the area be assigned what's left over.



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Not me, I didn't have to the first time. If I have to evacuate where I'm at, a LOT of you boys better head for the frickin' mountains.

This looks like another damned bad one. If it stays on the line they think Texas is gonna catch hell. Are any of our guys in the path down there? Anybody?

Brian G.

Praying for Serious Weakening at the Last Minute

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Not me, I didn't have to the first time. If I have to evacuate where I'm at, a LOT of you boys better head for the frickin' mountains.

This looks like another damned bad one. If it stays on the line they think Texas is gonna catch hell. Are any of our guys in the path down there? Anybody?

Brian G.

Praying for Serious Weakening at the Last Minute

Donald's in the north Houston area so he's going to catch some grief. I'm in Austin, but Rita is forecast to be down to 75 mph winds and heavy rain when it passes 50 miles east. Rita should blow by here Saturday afternoon, so I don't expect work to be disrupted.

Donald, what do you expect?

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Now it looks Rita is headed farther east. That's not good for brother Donald. The news reports say there's a few million people leaving Houston and I45 North is moving at about 4 mph plus gasoline is in short supply. I met someone this afternoon who left Houston at 2 AM this morning to avoid the traffic. It didn't work. Anyway, she's in Austin now.

A little rain here would be good.

We may not hear from Donald for awhile, but I'll be thinking of him and everyone else down there.

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I am going to stay here in Houston. Those who left are stuck on the freeway somewhere with out gas, a bad place to be when Rita come to town for a visit. Rita is expected Sat AM. Now I am just sitting and waiting for her visit. I hope those in her path are going to be ok. It is going to be a real mess when people return to Houston and Galveston.


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I'm baaaack!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! They were appreciated.

My wife made the executive family decision to make our get-a-way on wed. As it turned out, that was a good call because we made it out ahead of the stampede. We drove to Dallas Wed. night and got up the next morning and made it to Tulsa where my folks with and holed up there.

We watched the problems with the traffic jams on TV. Many of our friends decided to ride it out rather than sit in traffic. I must say though, to get that many people out of Houston (2.4 million last I heard) in less than 36 hours is remarkable.

It did take us a while to get back in. Once I got within about a 100 miles of the house I started taking back roads. Even some of them were backed up.

From the looks of our place, we got some rain and a lot of wind. It looked like someone had been stacking brush in our yard. No damage to the home that I could tell, however our power was out. They're saying it will be Oct. 7th at the earliest before we get our power back.

We're staying with my mother-in-law [:-sick] on Lake Conroe. Even here, we're getting rolling blackouts. Some last for an hour while at other times they will last 3 or 4 hours.

An extended stay motel is looking rather nice about right now.

I have been able to do some business with my cell phone and lap top. Luckily we forwarded our biz phone to my wifes cell before leaving.

They'd clocked 117mph winds on the Livingston. Due to the high winds and the waves crashing into the dam, they had to open the flood gates to relieve some of the pressure.

Last night, they were interviewing a resident on Lake Livingston who had just closed on his home a week before Rita hit. I did a double take when I saw the guy and his name. I'd inspected his home! He was telling the news anchor about his boat house breaking away and floating off during the storm. What a small world.

If you know anyone in the Beaumont to Lake Charles area, pray for them. They were hit really hard and took the brunt of the storm.

Besides the power outages, we faired really well. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go looking for an extended stay motel so I can get out of my Mother-In-Law's house before going nuts! [:-crazy]

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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

Last night, they were interviewing a resident on Lake Livingston who had just closed on his home a week before Rita hit. I did a double take when I saw the guy and his name. I'd inspected his home! He was telling the news anchor about his boat house breaking away and floating off during the storm. What a small world.

He might be calling you to ask why you didn't tell him that his boat house might not hold up under a CAT III.

On a serious note, good to hear that you and your family are safe!

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