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Home Safe vs Assured Home Inspection


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A question for Nick: If, in the future, a coalition forms against HomeSafe and mounts a challenge, will InterNachi join it...or back HomeSafe?


I don't know. By the time a coalition forms, Home Safe may no longer own the patents. Although it's unlike InterNACHI to remain neutral in a fight... this whole thing is currently a non-issue for InterNACHI members.
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A question for Nick: If, in the future, a coalition forms against HomeSafe and mounts a challenge, will InterNachi join it...or back HomeSafe?


I don't know. By the time a coalition forms, Home Safe may no longer own the patents. Although it's unlike InterNACHI to remain neutral in a fight... this whole thing is currently a non-issue for InterNACHI members.

A good businessman, like a chess player, doesn't disregard the future.

Regardless of who may eventually own the patent, what would your position be if that owner sought to prevent infringement and faced a challenge from a coalition bent on dismissing it?


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Regardless of who may eventually own the patent, what would your position be if that owner sought to prevent infringement and faced a challenge from a coalition bent on dismissing it?


If I'm ultimately the sole owner of the patents, this won't be an issue.

Actually, the validity of the patents is not an issue at all. A specific, unique process can be patented. One of InterNACHI's full-time technical document translators is a patent attorney. She works for us. The patents are valid and have already been awarded. It's the defense costs to the individual inspector who has to prove in court that he/she isn't using the patented process that is the issue. Ask any E&O insurance company... defense costs, not claim merit, is the issue.

Anyway, as a plan B, I've underwritten a defense fund should the steps I've already taken to protect members fail and another member gets sued.

For the time being, this issue is resolved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nick,

I think it was Kurt M. who had some questions for you but as far as I know he hasn't participated in any conversations here for the past couple of weeks 'cuz he's dealing with some personal issues.

Be patient. He'll be back by and by.



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Hopefully, at lot of this will soon be moot:

http://qz.com/139150/how-congress-is-ai ... nt-trolls/

and, it looks like this is one thing Congress may be able to quit bickering and fast-track

http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valle ... s-timeline

as it appears that the more abusive sorts of Patent Trolls the only people in the known physical universe who have *no* friends in congress.

IMO, it's highly unlikely Homesafe would attempt to sue inspectors for our actual practices under the conditions imposed by this legislation.

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Hopefully, at lot of this will soon be moot:

http://qz.com/139150/how-congress-is-ai ... nt-trolls/

and, it looks like this is one thing Congress may be able to quit bickering and fast-track

http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valle ... s-timeline

as it appears that the more abusive sorts of Patent Trolls the only people in the known physical universe who have *no* friends in congress.

IMO, it's highly unlikely Homesafe would attempt to sue inspectors for our actual practices under the conditions imposed by this legislation.


At ASHI we are encouraged that the bill has come together so quickly. ASHI is a member of the industry lobbying group, Coalition for Patent Fairness, and our lobbyist in DC, Randy Pence has been promoting and tracking the progress of the bill. ASHI Executive Director Frank Lesh was in DC with Randy when the bill was filed.

We are very encouraged by the rapid movement so far on the issue in DC however there are no guarantees when it comes to Washington. We will be sending out a legislative alert and a call to action for all inspectors and thermographers to call and write their elected representatives expressing support for this legislation. You shouldn't underestimate the impact these contacts from constituents can have on the decision making process.

We are leaving nothing to chance and are continuing to build an industry wide coalition and are in the process of obtaining verbal commitments of support from industry leaders. While the bill would make it more difficult for the patent trolls and their minions to use their patents against us if passed, we aren't going to stop until the threat is eliminated. We will be making more announcements on our progress in the near future.

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Hopefully, at lot of this will soon be moot:

http://qz.com/139150/how-congress-is-ai ... nt-trolls/

and, it looks like this is one thing Congress may be able to quit bickering and fast-track

http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valle ... s-timeline

as it appears that the more abusive sorts of Patent Trolls the only people in the known physical universe who have *no* friends in congress.

IMO, it's highly unlikely Homesafe would attempt to sue inspectors for our actual practices under the conditions imposed by this legislation.

Do you hear it? Listen carefully. It's the distinctive sound of an axe falling.


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We are leaving nothing to chance and are continuing to build an industry wide coalition and are in the process of obtaining verbal commitments of support from industry leaders. While the bill would make it more difficult for the patent trolls and their minions to use their patents against us if passed, we aren't going to stop until the threat is eliminated. We will be making more announcements on our progress in the near future.

Thanks again for all your efforts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I'm back. Scanned the last month+, generally enervating, I'll just bullet point a few things, then lock this depressing mess.

* I've got to give credit to Nick. He manages to bounce all around a subject, blather non realities, attain factually incorrect positions, and if one is not paying particular attention (the average HI), he might even seem to have a position. These are developed traits of a certain kind of politician or salesman. I'd never made the connection because honestly, I just never paid any attention to Nick.

*Nick makes it all so small. Put the different approaches on the scale...see where there's weight......

Nick = Cut a back room deal with a schmoe

Loden = assemble a consortium of building industry professionals, lobbyists, and present a credible profession image to the public.

*I did a couple HOA vendor type conventions, and talked to a lot of large engineering firms from around the country that offer IR services. I told them about the patent issues, they were all intent on getting involved. Shmoe boys, which seem to now include Nick, are taking on the entire building industry, with thousands of engineers that use this stuff on a daily basis.

*Enforcability of Patents....a crazy quilt. One thought....we (me and another guy) have a patent on "vapor release from wall, floor, and roof assemblies". What does that mean? Do we own the right to ventilate a wall? If you read the patent, yes we do. It completely ignores prior art and precedent, building code, engineering studies, and Lord knows what else. What it shows most of all.......

It shows how completely ****ing stupid the USPO is. It's not about any of the silly stuff we imagine, it's about unbelievably obscure sets of laws and precepts. So, whether or not any of this is even "enforceable" is open to much discussion. It's a good thing we have Nick making it even more idiotic than it was previously; we wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to look stupid, would we?

*What a complete ****ing waste of time. Good business people have to take time out from their work to deal with the idiocy that Nick tacitly endorsed; he makes work for us, AND he makes us small.

*He ignored the only good question (Patterson's) of the entire thread.

*Schmoe Larvae, of the "ooooh, when the lawsuits happen, and whoooaaawhoooa, there will be lawsuits....".....does he have any ****ing idea how idiotic he would be made to look during discovery and deposition, let alone on the stand?

*Previously, I never gave a crap about Nick, or Nachi, they're small bit players that can't grow. Never went on their board, never read anything about it, it didn't exist. A vapor organization blathering non realities into the ether.

Then, the schmoe deal. I started to care.

Then, the much bigger issue, a month's leave, now back, and I'm back to where I started. I don't care about Nachi. It's schmoeville, fringe, no organization, no lobbyist, no public recognition, no nothing. Why would I care?

I might still push for the interview; we mods have talked about it a bit. It would mean I'd have to start caring about schmoeville, which I don't seem able to muster.

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  • 9 years later...

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