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One RE office down my way only refers me when there is a house with a crawl space. The guys they usually use don't go into them. So I have a niche.

Around here, the guys that don't go on roofs, don't go in attics, and don't go in crawl spaces stay real busy.

I told my client I don't crawl through water. I only went through about 1/2 of this one.

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One RE office down my way only refers me when there is a house with a crawl space. The guys they usually use don't go into them. So I have a niche.

Around here, the guys that don't go on roofs, don't go in attics, and don't go in crawl spaces stay real busy.

I told my client I don't crawl through water. I only went through about 1/2 of this one.

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Yes here too it seems the guys that don't inspect anything stay really busy inspecting.

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