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Delaware Licensing

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Good Morning,

As of August 6th, Delaware has inacted a law that requires a HI to be licensed through the State. I have recently completed InterNachi's required online course and taken (and passed) the online exam. I am looking for a Home Inspector in DE preferablly New Castle County that I can shadow while I complete the rest of the State requirements (one being 250 supervised inspections). Here is a link to the State requirements fo HI Trainee.




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Thanks Les,

Tried to post a link, but cannot get it to work. So I copied this off of the State of Delaware Department of Profesional Regulations Website.

There are also requirements on the website how to be "Grandfathered". I do not meet those.


Home Inspector Trainee

When to Apply

Before applying as for Delaware licensure as a Home Inspector by examination, you must register as a Home Inspector Trainee and complete 250 supervised home inspections in Delaware. Apply for registration as a Home Inspector Trainee if you do not:

? hold a current license as a Home Inspector in another jurisdiction (state, U.S. territory or District of Columbia)

? qualify for licensure under the grandfather provision.

If you hold a current Home Inspector license in another jurisdiction, apply by endorsement.


? Submit a completed, signed and notarized Application for Home Inspector Trainee.

? Enclose the non-refundable processing fee by check or money order made payable to ?State of Delaware.?

? Arrange for the Board office to receive a Verification of Home Inspector Supervision form (included with the application) completed and signed by your supervising Delaware-licensed Home Inspector. #9702; The supervisor must send the form directly to the Board office.

#9702; If you have more than one supervisor, each supervisor must submit a completed and signed form.

#9702; If a supervisor is not yet a Delaware-licensed Home Inspector, you may accrue experience toward your own Home Inspector licensure under the supervisor starting after 8/6/2013 (the effective date of the law) through 11/4/2013 (the deadline for submitting grandfather application) only if the supervisor becomes licensed under the grandfather provision within three months after applying.

? If you have never been issued a U .S. Social Security Number (SSN), submit a Request for Exemption from Social Security Number Requirement.

When the application is considered complete, the Board will review it at its next meeting. If approved, the Board office will notify you.

Experience Log

If approved for Trainee registration, you and your supervising Home Inspector(s) must maintain records of your home inspections on the Experience Log. This Log will be required when you apply for licensure as a Home Inspector by examination.

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250 Supervised inspections is just nuts! If you worked for me and I had to supervise you for 250 inspections, I would not want you to continue working.

Somehow, maybe osmosis, a person is supposed to just learn everything they need to know from a person that likely does not know anything to start. only qualification is they have been inspecting for a period of time.

Supervising does not mean doing it right?

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Delaware went from no HI licensing requirements (that I am aware of)to this. While I do think there needs to be licensing requirements / oversight, I think this is a little overkill. It is very discouraging for somebody looking to get in the trade.


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Delaware went from no HI licensing requirements (that I am aware of)to this. While I do think there needs to be licensing requirements / oversight, I think this is a little overkill. It is very discouraging for somebody looking to get in the trade.


You need to complain to your idiot legislatures for passing such a restrictive law! Not that it will make any difference, but they do need reminding from time to time who they work for and how they got their job!

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