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Descriptive Phrase Needed

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I am coming up empty with a proper description of willful construction douche-bag-ness where the builders/tradesmen obviously know they are doing the wrong thing but are thinking/hoping no one will actually look.

I often see this in remodeling and cheap rehabs around town but not in newer construction. Such as ridge vents installed without any cut in the roof sheathing, I-joist flanges cut pell-mell, gas appliances vented into attics, and on and on. This is all at one property.

It is not incompetence. Malicious fraud?

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In my experience working with lawyers, it's called "Willful Negligence".

"Intentional performance of an unreasonable act in disregard of a known risk, making it highly probable that harm will be caused. Willful negligence usually involves a conscious indifference to the consequences".

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I like to exist in that perfect moment, where a montage of scathing criticism flows effortlessly, creating novel vignettes of character assassination.

How 'bout "Only morbid curiosity compels me to continue looking @ this pukingly bad pile of crap, if only to plumb the depths of human debasement".

Not bad, but it needs work. I work better when slightly over caffeinated and fresh in the saddle.

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I like to exist in that perfect moment, where a perfect montage of scathing criticism flows effortlessly, creating novel vignettes of character assassination.

How 'bout "Only morbid curiosity compels to me to continue looking @ this pukingly bad pile of crap, if only to plumb the depths of human debasement".

Not bad, but it needs work. I work better when slightly over caffeinated and fresh in the saddle.


Something in that comment is going to become a 'Phillipism' quote. [;)]

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I get pissed off too. (See idiot material wasting framing, from earlier this week.)

You have to write about what you saw, be accurate, and push the emotional part back, if you want it to taken seriously when it hits the table.

Save the outrage for the follow up call to your client.

Hell, you've been around longer than I have. You know.

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Gotta agree with Gary on this one. Let the lawyers use lawyery words. HI's should stick to explaining construction to the uninitiated. In my experience, that's hard enough.

I'd try to stick to the facts in an HI report and if you want to be clever about some ham-handed heap of wrongtious douchebaggery you see, do it here.


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Gary and Jim are correct.

I battle every day with my ego, experience and knowledge when talking to clients. For several years I got away with injecting my small amounts of my emotions into the inspection process; deal killer, arrogant, smart-ass, mean, fool, etc. I blew it off by thinking I was always right and screw the critics. I was/am wrong. The understanding of the client is the most important thing. Not the written report, not the technical "facts", not nothing other than the client understanding what they may be buying. SOP's formats etc mean nothing if they don't like you. I am blessed that 99.9% of my clients like me.

My office and my Wife have been helping me get back on track for the past couple years. They don't let me go on inspections with particular agents, allow me to curse all I want (in the office), remind me I'm not perfect, etc. I only do 5-6 inspections per week now and spend the rest of my time training, bitching, litigation, bitching, reviewing inspections, bitching, and occasionally I volunteer for stuff.

The point is there is no one way to express the stuff we see each day. I overuse "skilled homeowner" and "unskilled tradesperson" every day to express poor work.

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I use "unlicensed", or "not apparently familiar with accepted building practice", etc.

It's easier to simply describe what's wrong, indicate it as way wrong, and move on. I leave character assassination out of the reports, as much as I enjoy engaging in the written insult while online.

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Our state passed contractor laws in '08 that were supposed to bring some level of competence into residential and commercial contracting.

But, all those licenses did was verify that the mark had bought the appropriate levels of insurance coverage, so, it was simply a biscuit thrown to our insurers, whom most around here put on those lower circles of Hades where Realtors, bankers, and the like trudge in Eternity, hounded all the while by stinging wasps and vultures devouring their respective livers.

I have witnessed an appalling lack of skill/knowledge during my time as a private/public inspector and do not keep an optimistic view of whatever portends

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...My office and my Wife have been helping me get back on track for the past couple years. They don't let me go on inspections with particular agents, allow me to curse all I want (in the office), remind me I'm not perfect, etc. I only do 5-6 inspections per week now and spend the rest of my time training, bitching, litigation, bitching, reviewing inspections, bitching, and occasionally I volunteer for stuff...

Hey, Les...here's a thought. Ever consider volunteer work where you bitch for others who are lacking the time, spinal fortitude, or maybe just an adequate vocabulary to do it themselves?
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...My office and my Wife have been helping me get back on track for the past couple years. They don't let me go on inspections with particular agents, allow me to curse all I want (in the office), remind me I'm not perfect, etc. I only do 5-6 inspections per week now and spend the rest of my time training, bitching, litigation, bitching, reviewing inspections, bitching, and occasionally I volunteer for stuff...

Hey, Les...here's a thought. Ever consider volunteer work where you bitch for others who are lacking the time, spinal fortitude, or maybe just an adequate vocabulary to do it themselves?

Now there is a part-time job for Les.

Heck, seems like we're just creating all sorts of work for folks here at TIJ ... [:-slaphap

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I just say the item or configuration was 'installed improperly' and recommend it be fixed.. I don't get into 'why they did it this way'.

I often also add 'Check for local permits regarding______" etc..

I 'feel' like saying something else.. but I don't .. As the years go by, it does bug me to find tons of improper new work.. because it just makes the report-writing process longer and more tedious..

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