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Newb introduction

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I figured this was as good of a spot as any to introduce myself. I'm Dwight Voeks, my company is Tyee Home Inspection and hail from Washington State. I've been logged on this forum for about the last 4 hours just reading posts that interest me. Lot's of good information from my fellow inspectors and I hope to garner as much knowledge as some of you. I have a construction/structural engineering/IT/masonry contractor background. I thought I knew a lot but actually picked up quite a bit in my 120 hour licensing classes and even more by just doing some inspections and reading on forums like this. I almost feel inadequate while looking at some of the questions and discussions on various threads and at the same time motivates me to keep learning in the areas I am weak. Thanks for a great site.



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Welcome to the gig. Your background looks like a good springboard for a career as an HI.

Stick around. There's nothing else quite like it. You'll get exposure to every topic you need to know something about.

I started here on 18 Nov 2009 and this forum still gives me abundant room to grow. It's fantastic.


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