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Landslides and soil collapse

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Just by curiosity, do you call out the potential risks of landslides or soil collapse?

Just yesterday, about 40 minutes from my place, this house was dammaged by this collapse due to the constant rain of the past 2 weeks.

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On a recent inspection, I did mention the risk of landslide, tumbling rocks or falling tree that could happen due to heavy rain or wind from which could cause damage to this house that was built right at the bottom of this very abrupt mount side.

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Is it going above and beyond the sop? Maybe, but if I see something that can pose a risk, I will certainly call it out. How about you?

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Risk of a landslide? Then you're trying to predict the future, which is hard to get right every time. One of my little expressions is "I don't try to predict the future. If I was good at it I wouldn't be inspecting houses. Ha ha".

It's a slippery slope, Stephen. [:)]

I'll have to think about that one.

PS is that a manufactured home? It might ride out the slide and be ok. That's my prediction. [:)]

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I always point it out when a house has inadequate clearance to either an ascending or descending slope. Neither one ever gets farther away from a house, they only get closer.

If I'm really concerned about movement, I send them to a good geotech. Hiring the geotech often turns out to be the best money they've ever spent.

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lol, no I'm not trying to predict the future but I can foresee something though, I might once again pass for an alarmist nutcase.

But for having witnessed firsthand how dangerous rocks can be while literally sliding down a mountain during a heavy thunder storm, I'm simply stating that some situations may be more hazardous than others.

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I always point it out when a house has inadequate clearance to either an ascending or descending slope. Neither one ever gets farther away from a house, they only get closer.

That's a nice way of puting it, I could not have said it that smoothly. Sometimes, words get scrambled in the translation between what I think and what I would like to express...

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Stephen, I made light of your post earlier, but there are areas here, such as North Vancouver heading to Squamish, where mudslides are a very real threat.

Still, it is more in the domain of the seller and realtor, so I would let it come from their mouths first if possible.

Certainly I would describe the steep slope of the site in my report.

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